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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Thanks, I wasn't able to get online yesterday so I missed that info
  2. But Dean Marlowe man!!! He gona bust out the gate like Donte Hitner!!
  3. That's great and all, but it was just vet rest why he didn't practice Wed right? So one would expect he would practice Fri.... Unless he had an injury and I missed it??
  4. Lol, that would be one hell of a debut....especially while learning the offense. Maybe pull Gabe Davis and get 2 catches for 178 yard
  5. Offense- Davis since Alexander is not in his head Defense- Edmunds will be the guy this time
  6. Yeah I agree with you for sure. As for embarrassing defenders Mahomes does it quite often. Only difference is they don't hurdle and stiff arm defenders like Josh. So I definietly agree with you because I certainly understand how a QB Hurdling you or stiff arming you flat on the back of your ass can make a defender more frustrated/embarrassed than a Mahomes juke/no look pass etc would lol I just hope if they get dirty it's called
  7. I mean I know all that division/rivalry game is usually a bit more unpredictable. Has been mentioned by certain defenders other than division. Wasn't specifically talking about Jets only
  8. I know it's basically no chance of it, but I'd love a scenario where it was a chance Hyde could play if deep into play-offs or SB. Wishful thinking I know
  9. Usually there isn't a "next man" there close enough to pop him out the air. Second, defenders sounding as if they want to hit Josh so hard almost comes off as if wanting to hurt him if possible. Try not to get me wrong here, I understand he's a tough runner and all and they have to do what it takes to bring him down. I just hope there's no dirty hits out of frustration etc. I don't notice defenders saying same kind of stuff about Lamar, P. Mahomes when they run or get out the pocket. Granted Josh is a bigger QB which I'm sure is a factor. I'm just saying it's pretty clear some defenders get really frustrated/over emotional with Josh and there are some dirty players out there for sure
  10. Yeah I can't argue with you here....however when taking that into consideration, if Eagles played same teams as Bills do you think they would still be undefeated?
  11. Well the 2nd where Josh was trying to throw in the dirt was just a plan out damn good play by the defender. While Josh has said he made couple stupid plays, that INT in particular he was throwing away to the ground and thought it was going to be a safe incompletion. Dude made n amazing play for sure. Josh learned to no longer dirt incompletions from now on and sling it out of bounds instead.
  12. Agree, for the sake of sh*ts an giggles if Eagles played same opponents as Bills up til now I think they'd have couple losses. At least 2 or 3
  13. Tottally different scenario though..... Jets don't have a Hill/Waddle to open up the field like Fins. Bills mainly need to keep the Jets run game in check and I don't think that will be so much of a problem, even with the injuries.
  14. Well for me when MCD said day to day, I took that the good news as not out for season and missing couple games. I never was expecting him to play this game
  15. Lol, come on now.....I'm 100% sure Von's focus should not come into question and is just fine
  16. It really shows the Bills get one of the highest ratings because in area I'm located (Eastern NC), every Bills game so far this season execpt 1 (Steelers game) has been on t.v down here. And I have been enjoying the hell out of it!!
  17. I agree, he also is VERY professional with his words. He's what every team hopes for in every aspect top to bottom in a franchise QB
  18. Lol, if I could have all the money I've ever spent on *****...you know what I'd spend it on? *****
  19. Eagles have a very friendly schedule the 1st half of season for sure and looks like much of the same the rest of the way. That being said I think 49ers are better and would probably spank that ass
  20. He may have no choice but to if they get behind early. And tht's exactly what I hope to see. But you can best believe Jets will stick to the run game as long as possible
  21. Usuage may not be much due to he's learning the offense. So guess I'd predict 30ish yards rushing and 25-30 yds passing while getting couple 1st downs. He may get to return a couple punts also. That's if he's even active
  22. Was it always grass though? Like few years back I recall a game where players and coaches complined about being unsafe when chunks came up. I don't remember if was natural grass then or not
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