You are exactly right about that. I am pro Tyrod myself. I do however know he has things to work on obviously, but I wanted him to be back this upcoming season and I'm glad he is. Now with that little being said ........
As far as the posters nagging back and forth repeating themselves I don't know why they continue to do it. They are not going to change each others mind on the topic so, why keep spewing out the same things over and over, repeating themselves? I've noticed some posters get annoyed by it, but it has gotten quite comical to me. Every once in a while one of them (rather it be pro Tyrod or anti Tyrod) will say some things that are entirely untrue o just plan off the wall non sense. And if anyone calls them on the nonsense or untrue statement, they get mad or tell you that you are stupid and they are right and you are wrong lol.
If things are slow sometimes I go to the threads and get a good laugh from time to time. Although I can admit that it does get old when the nonsense takes up over half of the front page on the message board. That hasn't happened here, yet. Don't think it will, but it was like that almost all the time over at BBMB since it came up with keeping Tyrod or letting him go. It would be thread upon thread of the SAME EXACT people with the SAME EXACT posts.