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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Well, looks like the defense is getting a makeover for the most part. Maybe it is much needed seeing how poorly the D was last season. However, I'd like to think some of the poor defensive play had something to do with bad coaching. I have no problem with them letting a lot of these guys go and very interested to see what new players come in. Hopefully have some hungry players that can put this defense over the top. I think the front 4 is pretty much straight for the most part. Should be an interesting makeover on the back side though and with the new staff I would expect to have a pretty good improvement on that side of the ball.
  2. They are serious about the FB position aren't they? lol
  3. Let he who is angry partake in the holding of hands....
  4. I got 7 yr old and 9 yr old. Yes, tickle fights are the norm around here.
  5. We can certainly agree on that. We can hug it out and have a tickle party if you're up for it.... I will bring the yohoo chocolate drinks.
  6. Yeah, having the best QB ever in life as your starting QB can win you a lot of SBs. It's true.
  7. Also, without Brady he would just be your everyday average NFL coach. Hell Rex Ryan could have won some SBs with Brady at the helm. probably just about any coach on the league would have a very, VERY good shot at winning it all a few times if Brady is your QB.
  8. They probably just got him for a back up position. I would hate to think they got him to start, but then again it is the Browns so......
  9. Sad about Aaron Williams, but the guy was just about on his last limb. He should probably go ahead and retire. The neck issue isn't really something to play around with. He was a decent S but he may want to hang em up before he possibly ends up in a wheel chair.
  10. It will be alright. Maybe the next CB that takes his place will fill that empty void for you. I sure hope so my friend.
  11. Yeah, I'm curious to see a little bit of Listenbee. Hopefully he will turn out to be pretty solid, but yes they definitely have to find some good, solid, and most of all dependable WRs somewhere. The bad thing about Hogan when the Bills let him go, he was a very reliable WR. Hardly ever got injured.
  12. Yes lol. That's why I think WR at 10 is most likely the pick. Looks kinda obvious lol. Hopefully they resign Justin Hunter also. Great redzone threat. Just need depth, depth, and more depth. I swear I don't want to see the WR core with backups to our backups starting again this year
  13. lol, I can certainly tell. Pretty funny to me. But anyways, whatever floats his boat I guess. Sometimes fans have a hard time getting over certain players leaving and/or getting benched. I have seen a few people get all mad and defensive about EJ when he was benched also, lol so nothing new for me. I find it quite comical.
  14. Control your anger. It will be ok. Gilmore can be replaced with another CB who's cheaper, hungrier, and will actually tackle. He's gone, deal with it...
  15. Lol @ you new? "im a big bad message board veteran." haha, Yea, guess you can say I'm a new member to this particular message board, but not new to know how aweful Gilmore was this past season. Not misrepresenting anything, I know what I saw with Gilmore and it was just plain bad. You can say what you want but he gets a lot of penalties, scared of contact, and got beat pretty bad this past season. Also coming from a player like Gilmore who wanted to play more man to man because he thought he was that good. That clearly wasn't the case. Obviously it hurt your feelings in some sort of way to see him go since your so angry. Oh and LOL @ "you new bro" again. Lame.
  16. Maybe Bills can somehow get Malcolm Butler lol
  17. Cool, Bills will get a lot of automatic 1st downs from him holding Sammy and PI's. Won't have to worry about getting tackled either lol
  18. Hi. I am Patrick Duffy. Most call me The Duff, Duff Man, or The Duffster. yup
  19. This. Lol, I was thinking the same....
  20. I'd be fine with it. More depth at WR is much needed. I hope to get some young guys in the draft too. Would be very excited to snag Davis if there.
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