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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. This is almost exactly what I was going to post in response to that non sense. "Feel your pain over the last 20 years" LOL, Please..
  2. Good, He will definitely be needed. Hopefully he will be able to get out there Sunday.
  3. Yup, welcome to our world. Most Bills fans have been doing that for years.
  4. lol, not with the way the offense is playing. Defense is not going to get 3 or 4 TO's every game to give the offense a chance.
  5. Guess just hope like hell McCoy doesn't go down. Anyone know for sure how long Clay will be out yet??
  6. Yup, even with the horrid defense they have right now, they will still manage to stay at the top of the AFC East. As usual.
  7. Rather have Jets win. But it's not going to happen.
  8. Anyone that knows anything about football knows that the Jets are tanking.
  9. I'm going with under 224 and a loss. O'Leary did pretty good with Clay out, but don't think it will be enough and still nothing much really done about the lack or WR's. So I really don't see Tyrod throwing over 200 yds. Would be nice to see Reilly get on the field, then I feel like I'd have at least a little more hope. Anyways, we'll see.
  10. oh my... Lol, comical. Yeah I always just skim right past your non sense post 95% of the time. This is just more of it.
  11. .....rabble rabble......peepee........rabble rabble....pg13....daycare....rabble rabble. That's about all I get from your posts all day everyday. You really have no room to be knocking other ppls post . Not by a long shot. "Rabble rabble dot dot dot rabble
  12. Yup, I think so too. To beat the Pats u have to put up some points, and that's something the Bills can't do very much of with this offense and play calling.
  13. No they're not. They will have the lead in the division after Sunday.
  14. Yeah I feel ya on that. I'm not too thrilled with his play calling as of yet.
  15. I would think if they were bring someone new in they would have done it already to get the the max amount of practice time needed. If they wait til next week then that will allow only a few days of prep time. So it's looking like "next man up". It's crazy, we really need a couple WRs. Saw where they were possibly looking into RB's also which is a need as well. If they do bring in someone, I just hope they don't wait til the last minute to do it.
  16. Yeah mainly in the middle of the field, or he is still fighting for yards. Cly was clearly going to be out of bounds soon as his foot landed. A push if anything (and didn't have to do that) would have been obviously enough. Yes, IMO it was dirty.
  17. Maybe Zay Jones's career will start out similar to TO's. Sucked at 1st and dropped damn near everything thrown to him. One can only hope this kid can somehow get it going. Otherwise we will be looking at James Hardy part 2 (god rest his soul). But this kid is downright awful right now. I'm at that point to when I see he is about to get thrown a pass, I just know it's going to get dropped.
  18. Umm that doesn't really make me sad. Think it's great to have two 1st rounders either way. Moving on...
  19. Mainly offense. Defense got 3 TOs today. Got to take better advantage of that. The 1 TD was great, and if it wasn't for that TO, we more than ,we probably don't get into the end zone at all today. Agree though that not starting Groy and not doing anything at the WR position had a big part also. AJ Green went off, as I expected anyways, but the D did great to come away with all those TOs today. Offense and play calling put the nail in the coffin though
  20. Yup, Don't like the way this is shaping up fpr the oline today.
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