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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Well damn man. Was kinda hoping they would have kept him. Did a great job with the little time he was with the Bills. Well, I'm sure there is a plan in place for the WR position. I think I'm going to be able to trust this staff a little more than the last though lol.
  2. Tyrod gona cook it up this season, mane. 2017 season will be a cakewalk for the Bills.
  3. Ah man. Not happy about that too much. Really wanted to keep him around. Ah well, it happens. Thought he showed some good things coming in when Wood went down. Sucks, that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes I guess.
  4. I've wanted Davis at 10 even before the combine and all. However the more I read about this kid the more I'm liking him. Huge target, good hands, good blocker. I have to say I would be perfectly fine if Howard is the pick at 10. I would like either, Davis or Howard at 10 and would consider either a great pick.
  5. I agree. Want my 1st rd pick to be on the field week 1. Don't spend another 1st rd pick on a guy that will be out for 8 weeks.
  6. lol me either to be honest. But it's fine with me. Bring in as many WRs as you can and let them battle it out in camp. Hopefully get 1 of the top ones in the draft too. Definitely need as much depth as we can in that position because lord have mercy we end up getting decimated at the WR position again this next season. I know every team has their injuries and what not, but I think Buffalo got about the worst as far as WRs being out. I think I remember at one point last season we had 3rd stringers starting and if I remember correctly it was a 2nd stringer as our #1 that game. I want to say it was Walt Powell that was the #1 position WR. Was terrible.
  7. Hey there man. I'm new to this board and all and of course I don't know you, but that does not matter at all. Really hate when things like this happen and I will say a prayer for Danny. I know a couple of ppl I am close with that has/is going through this same thing. I have a 9yr ol son and 7 yr old daughter I could not imagine losing either of them. Just thinking about it is hard. I hope you and your family get through this very, very tough time.
  8. I sure as hell hope so. We are over due for a lot of things lol
  9. Oh god i know..... I hated that! Sometimes you just thought ,"well, that receiver is done for the year". Or, "well he is going to be out for a few games for concussion". He is such a bad QB I wanted to rip my hair out watching at times.
  10. It sucks but seems like TC is where we see a lot of the big injuries to start with. Get all excited about TC starting and next thing you know we have lost a starter for a month or 2, sometimes the whole year. It happens to every team I know, but that's why depth is sooooo very important. Hopefully we can make it through TC without any big or major injuries and get off to a good start to the season.
  11. That's why it's great that we have Mr Touchdown Mike. Who IMO could start on a number of rosters.
  12. I agree. Yeah some team at some point will come across some injuries and will possibly need a 3rd string QB. Or maybe a part time job to do a "hard count" once in a while.
  13. Well, I mean he was brought in last year for depth anyways I believe, he still can be very useful as far as LB depth goes.Still hoping to see great things from Ragland also. I'm sure they are probably going to look a a few more LBs too. But Zo showed he can start and hold it down for the most part so obviously if he gets outplayed in camp he will be useful for depth.
  14. This is god IMO. Guy has been with a few different teams playing different positions. I think he finally found his calling card with the LB position. Glad to have him back.
  15. Nah, rather go with someone younger and more reliable. Bringing Byrd back in at this point would be silly.
  16. 2 games against the Pats next year will be a cakewalk.
  17. We are going to sweep the Pats and win the division this year.
  18. Hey oldtime, nice to see you made it over here.
  19. Lol, this is exactly what I was thinking when I read the OP.
  20. Sure why not? Give it a try and "leave no stone unturned". Bring him in and still draft a couple...(Davis plz)
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