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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Wow! Really sad. I don't know if I could go on living after something like that. I wouldn't even want to be here any more. Prayers for him and family.
  2. Lol hahahaha I know right. Perfect place for him to get pass his drinking problems and partying too hard. I can see him becoming the man of the year with this life changing move to New Orleans.
  3. Lol, I would rank them about neck and neck. One is just about as bad as the other. Sometimes they will get something right tho but not enough for me to buy into everything that's reported.
  4. I know this basically means nothing as of right now, but if Whaley does end up getting the boot I will be perfectly fine with it. I remember when they had the press conf. with coach McC and Whaley was also there and a reporter asked " who has control of the 53" and Whaley replied that he does. Well, it's kinda looking like coach McD has it. I don't know for sure but it would not surprise me at all if Whaley and the new coach end up butting heads. Hell has Whaley gotten along with any of the coaches since he has been GM? No with Marone and it didn't seem like he did with Rex either. Anyways, of course all this is just speculation so I will take all these reports with a grain of salt.
  5. This silly thread should have never been created. smh
  6. Well for me even if he didn't, I still think I'd go WR because we still have Ragland in the mix.
  7. Remember when Greg Roman was trying to get him. lol, sometimes the Bills do seem to dodge a bullet here an there I guess.
  8. No I disagree. The biggest need is still WR. CB can be had in rds 2 or 3. CB is fairly deep this year as far as I understand anyways. But you definitely grab a WR in the 1st. But that's just me, anyway......
  9. You must have somehow gotten the name Gilmore confused with Z. Brown for some reason.
  10. I already don't watch much ESPN at all, now I know for sure I will be bypassing that channel. Rather not hear his mouthy nonsense. Only time I watch ESPN is when Berman is up there. I feel I can relate to him more for some reason... :D
  11. I get annoyed when I purchase a chicken breast and come to find out it had been sitting in the hot bar for hours and was dry as granny's ass and yet nobody at the deli bothered to let me know, or at least offer me a discount. I will write a strongly worded letter....
  12. Watch the Pats get him somehow lol. Make Butler even more pissed off hahaha I assume this was a joke or sarcasm.....least I hope it was anyways.
  13. Except for the fact that in 2015 we were among the top teams in big passing plays in the NFL. Don't really know why they didn't throw the ball long that much in 2016. Could have been the play calling, could have been due to the number of injuries at the WR position. But either way i certainly think Taylor can connect on the long ball again, that's why some people say (I'm one of them) that he has one of the prettiest deep balls.
  14. You are exactly right about that. I am pro Tyrod myself. I do however know he has things to work on obviously, but I wanted him to be back this upcoming season and I'm glad he is. Now with that little being said ........ As far as the posters nagging back and forth repeating themselves I don't know why they continue to do it. They are not going to change each others mind on the topic so, why keep spewing out the same things over and over, repeating themselves? I've noticed some posters get annoyed by it, but it has gotten quite comical to me. Every once in a while one of them (rather it be pro Tyrod or anti Tyrod) will say some things that are entirely untrue o just plan off the wall non sense. And if anyone calls them on the nonsense or untrue statement, they get mad or tell you that you are stupid and they are right and you are wrong lol. If things are slow sometimes I go to the threads and get a good laugh from time to time. Although I can admit that it does get old when the nonsense takes up over half of the front page on the message board. That hasn't happened here, yet. Don't think it will, but it was like that almost all the time over at BBMB since it came up with keeping Tyrod or letting him go. It would be thread upon thread of the SAME EXACT people with the SAME EXACT posts.
  15. They were leaving "no stone unturned" man. I must have missed when they were looking at Glennon, but I remember seeing a thread of some sort that Siemian was to be interviewed or talked to, something along those lines. But some of your post do come off as fact when they are obviously your opinion, which you are entitled to.
  16. Yes and also the others that didn't like Tyrod. They both would continue to repeat themselves time and time again in each and every thread. Sometimes it wasnt even a Tyrod thread and it would go on and on lol......
  17. Trans, I know sometimes some of the posters push your buttons with your Tyrod threads, but I just wanted to say I for one enjoy them myself. I enjoyed them over at the old board also. I think you post good info and make good points when it comes down to the QB position. A lot of ppl would not take the time for threads like that. Anyway, just wanted to say that lol. Keep up the good info man.And I will share my gummy bears with you.
  18. Yea there was. That was just down right stupid I thought. And each and every one of them the same exact thing was talked about by the 4th post or so. Its not an exaggeration by you either. It was really that many threads, hell maybe more than 8 at times.
  19. Agree, and that's a very fair take on the situation. Also I will add, IMO I think we will see a pretty noticeable improvement especially since Taylor and the OC are familiar with one another. That will be a factor also that can only help.
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