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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. This is correct and my view as well. If he does get moved it will be after the season more than likely. Hell he may not even go anywhere then.
  2. He isn't going anywhere. Not this season anyway. I know this because I'm the Duff.....and I know my Stuff.
  3. Hopefully. If the team can manage to get by the 74 flags that will be thrown by Hoc and co.
  4. I see he is listed as questionable. Hopefully he can make it on the field
  5. Oh, well dam. Thought we were getting into wrestling finishing moves.
  6. I agree. I'm liking what I'm seeing so far. Still need to see more obviously, but I'm pretty excited about the way things are going thus far.
  7. well, trust the process! I was shocked when seeing this, but thinking about it now I'm cool with it. He only had like 10 tackles and the contract was INSANE. Guess they know what and who they want in the locker room and he didn't fit the mold. Oh well...good big guy, you will definitely shed some pounds down there in that heat.
  8. wow, a 6th. They HAVE to be takin g on that contract then. Otherwise it makes no sense. Still doesn't either way but......damn at least get the contract off the books
  9. Sounds like something Donald Trump would say. Anyways, they know what they signed up for.
  10. Probably so., but if they can get him for say a 6th or 7th, it wouldn't hurt at all to add him. We all know how quickly the WR position can dissipate before you know it.
  11. Hopefully the b.s flags will be thrown equally among both teams, but that doesn't usually work in our favor. I just know with these guys it will be A LOT of drive killing non sense flags thrown. Just hope it happens to the Raiders as well.
  12. Awful news!! Hate to hear this. Sorry for the loss Thomas family.
  13. Me too. Hope to see no more of it myself. But I know sometimes games like that will happen. Hopefully they get it back on track starting with the front.
  14. It feels like there is a little something different yeah, but I've also told myself that before in season's past. I'm just not ready to quite drink the kool aid yet. A little too early for me. But can tell a big difference in discipline and the way they are getting coached up this time around. I'm going to need to see a little more before i partake in the kool aid as of right now though.
  15. Absolute worst!! Man I really don't even like watching the games that this crew officiates. It's like constant flags every play just about. Back to back plays will receive flags A LOT. If any good plays happen I will expect a flag after every single good play. Prolly for the Raiders also. Really REALLY despise Hoc and crew. If it wasn't the Bills playing, I can assure you I wouldn't give it a first look knowing this crew is officiating.
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