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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Counter question...... what if he comes out and lights it up with 5 TD passes and over 300 yards passing? How many will crown him after that 1 game?
  2. Yes, it will be nice to finally see the ball come out on time and down field
  3. Will be nice to not scream at the t.v "get rid of the dam ball Tyrod" for a change. Or run around and end up taking a 12-15 yard loss on a QB sack. Really look forward to watching the rookie and hope he turns out to be the guy. If not at least we will know what we have with the QB position come seasons end.
  4. The magical 300 yards and 2 TDs. Lol, I have no idea, but I'll bet we won't have as many QB sacks and the numbers will be significantly better than Taylor's IMO. The ball will come out quicker and for most part will be on target most of the times. I think the kid is ready and he is prepared to show the world what he's got. I look forward to it myself.
  5. He actually has some good insight. I'll admit the many "concerned" post was a bit much but I myself don't mind the guy.
  6. Yup, leaving to many plays on the table. Just can't have that in your QB and expect to win games.
  7. yes, by getting 1st downs and keeping the offense on the field and not going 3 and out every posession.
  8. Look like dat fiah be done went out mane. He aint cookin no more mane!
  9. Great!! Good luck kid, Show everyone what you got. I think this was the right decision by the HC. This way you get an idea of what you're working with in terms of drafting a QB and how early to draft a QB. Good move
  10. well to me, even if a top QB isn't available, I'm pretty excited to see how Peterman does. Have a feeling if we lose this game and Tyrod stinks it up again and Bills fall to 5-5, we just might see him the following game.
  11. They will play Rivers anyways because they know the Bills most likely will not be able to get a finger on him anyways. No pass rush at all.
  12. Nah, the 378 yards they get will come from running the ball.
  13. Oh you bet your ass he is. And so is the Chargers Oline. You know Anthony Lynn gets his guys to run the ball well, we have seen it 1st hand last season. I'm sure he is ready to bring it to the Bills. Personally I don't see the Bills winning this game myself, with or without Rivers playing.
  14. Will not matter if he is out. I'm sure they have watched the tape and know they just have to hand the ball off and they will be good.
  15. Lets hope the chargers don't run the ball, then we may have a slight chance lol
  16. Hey, it's that time in the month of November where the Bills hold their own destiny. Lol, I'm familiar with this story. Even without P.Rivers playing I still don't think this team can win on the road, especially with what we have seen the past 2 games. Would'nt surprise me to see a couple more blow out losses at home either. But hey, we'll see what happens right....I mean you got to trust the process.
  17. Well they pretty much had no choice but to abandon the run when Saints are running away with it. Taylor just isn't the type of QB that can put the ball in the air and come back to win games
  18. They got rid of just about everyone from the last regime, so why not move on from Taylor as well. It's surley about that time for a QB change
  19. Yes, brilliant move if so. The Tyrod expierment has taken a turn for the worst. I'm officially on the Peterman train. So tired of seeing check down, dancing all around and holding on to the ball and taking QB sacks. Not throwing to open WRs. Need a spark and I think Peterman can get the ball out in time even with a shaky Oline.
  20. Whole team sucks. Look like Rex Ryan's team from last year out there. I cut it off when the Saints scored after Halftime and put in Dark Tower movie to watch with the wife. Just popped in here for a second to see how pissed everyone is. Glad I didn't partake in that kool aid too early lol. Anyways, wife is back, going to see if I can at least "get" something out of this Sunday.
  21. Lol, I turned that **** off after the 1st Saints score after halftime and turned on a movie to watch with the wife. Maybe I can get something out of the day at least. Pathetic excuse for a football team.
  22. LOL this team isn't going anywhere. 18 yrs here we come whoooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooo!!
  23. lol, agreed. You would think so. With Clay back and KB, and also the emergence of D. Thompson. You would think he "should" do better, I hope to see the Oline give him more protection, and also when a play breaks down and nobody to throw to, plz throw it away and not hold on to the ball forever and take sacks. But yes, we will see.
  24. Yes I'm curious to see as well how they bounce back after their plate of ass whoopin was given. I just hope Saints don't jump out to an early 10-0 or 14-0 lead like I'm expecting them to. Hopefully Bills come out firing on all cylinders from beginning to end. Lol, no.
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