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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. I think it's more of Case K. making himself look good. I think he is just one of those guys that finally came into his own and started playing better. Not saying Shurmer doesn't have ANY part in his success at all, but I just think Case Keenum has just gotten better as a QB over time. Sometimes it happens like that.
  2. 1 or maybe 2. We will bet the Phins 1 time and the Colts is a toss up. I'm thinking 6-10 though IMO
  3. Unfortunately I agree with this. I honestly don't think they will win no more than maybe 1 more game this season. Even with all the QB issues, its with the defense also being so very bad.
  4. I think he might. Either way it won't matter much with this sorry excuse for a defense we have at the moment. But yeah, I think he might have a small chip on his shoulder for this game but at the same time it's very tough to play in K.C. Their Defense will get their share of sacks again, especially from the right side of the line. I just hope he can do enough to squeak out a win. Will be tough to pull out a win with a Bills defense that can't stop a high schools ground game running attack though.
  5. Exactly. That's why I said people can only argue that the defense was tired to a certain extent. A very small extent at that.
  6. I said earlier in the season that this defense was miles better than Rex's and they are more disciplined than the last 2 seasons. I was wrong. Also thought Peterman would be able to come in and light it up. Although the Oline didn't help him out once so ever, I was still wrong.
  7. Nah, they can't stop anybody when they are fresh either. You can argue this to a certain extent, but this defense is bad, fresh or tired.
  8. I'm on board for him or Frazier, one of them needs to go at this point. Both sides of the ball are horrible.
  9. Saw the fire the OC thread, didn't see one for the DC. May as well have one for him too. I can't quite determine which side of the ball is worse.
  10. First off, the Oline should be ashamed of themselves not blocking worth a **** for the rookie. Second his receivers didn't help him out much either, with the Dimarco drop anyways. That's when it all started to go down hill. Seemed like every snap the kid couldn't take 2 steps back without a defender all over him. Having said that, Peterman also had a couple INTs that were HIS fault. The defense is an embarrassment. The whole damn team should be ashamed of themselves.
  11. Have to agree. Same old dance and song with this franchise. I also don't expect them to win another game. Getting ready for draft time now I guess. At least that will be exciting with the picks we have. Hopefully they don't find a way to screw that up.
  12. They should be ashamed of themselves. Absolutely ridiculous. Think this is my breaking point. Yeah, I'm done with this franchise.
  13. I predict he will light it up on the road and become the new talk of the NFL like Prescott was last season for the Cowboys. Over 300 yrds and 3 TDs 0 ints.
  14. Wither Peterman making his 1st start on the road, you can't expect him not to struggle a little bit, especially at the beginning or 1st qter. As the game goes along though I think he will make this offense at least look more alive and he is the type that should spread the ball around. So we'll see how it goes.
  15. Me too. You have to get something out of the TO's even if it's just 3 points or better field position at the very least for your defense.
  16. yup I agree with this. I think Peterman may struggle a little in the 1st qter or so, but as the game flow goes he WILL be able to put points on the board. I think the HC is right that he give the Bills a better chance to win games. Maybe he does enough to keep the defense rested just enough to win. But I have a feeling Peterman will get us some points but not enough to win because of the defense. Hopefully they can somehow pull out the win, either way though, I think Peterman will have an overall good day as far as the QB perspective goes.
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