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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. It's very possible. Could be down by more than a TD at halftime. But either way I'm just going to hope for the best. If we do lose though, then I fully expect Peterman to finish out the season. With that hit he took though I pretty much figured he would be out a week or 2.
  2. Yeah that's not very bold. I can definitely see it happening so...
  3. yup, agree. Think the slot suits him better for now anyways.
  4. Great news. Hope this kid sticks around for a long time. I've really liked him. Always around the ball making plays.
  5. The best team in the NFL could have easily lost to one of the worst teams in the NFL in those conditions. Anything could have happened, I have never seen it like that yesterday.
  6. Well, guess it's time to go ahead and move past this. Whether you like it or don't (which I didn't like the call), time to move on to Miami.
  7. Yeah I agree. I think that's about the best way to handle it with this being such an important game. If Tyrod can't get anything done you would have to have Peterman ready just in case(if he passes protocol). Hopefully the defense can keep it close if Tyrod can't get it going.
  8. Yes, I was looking at this game yesterday coming up between Ravens and Browns in Cleveland and I predict that the Browns get their 1st and only win of the season. I expect the Steelers to bust em up a little bit and soften them up just right for Browns to get their 1st win at home.
  9. I think a lot of teams would have looked bad in that weather. This was the type of game wheree the best team in the NFL could have easily lost to the worst in the NFL(record wise) with those type of weather conditions.
  10. doubt it, but still hopeful. Even if they would be 1 and done, I'd still like to at least see them make it somehow. But like I said, I very much doubt they make it.
  11. Probably Taylor since Peterman got knocked the !@#$ out. If he is okay to go next week somehow then I can see Peterman getting the nod. But I voted for Taylor b/c I'm not quite sure Peterman passes protocol.
  12. Seems like the Bills tried everything to give this 1 away. Anyways luck helps and they somehow pulled this 1 out. Now I'm wondering if Peterman can remember what year it is right now.
  13. Yeah hopefully the Oline can give him a little better protection this time and hope he can also make better decisions himself as well. We will see. McCoy needs a pretty big game today, which will also help the rookie out. I would think the defense can do well against the Colts offense. So I just hope to see good balanced and smart football as possible on offense especially. Wouldn't surprise me if they still put Taylor in here and there just to throw the Colts D off a little bit....even if he doesnt touch the ball it would still probably mess with their head a little bit.
  14. Well, if they lose this one, then I'd expect to see Peterman the rest of the way myself. I assume they think they still have a chance at the playoffs and Taylor, at this point , gives them the best shot to win. But if they drop this game for some reason then I agree, no reason for Taylor to keep plying. Let the rookie finish out the season and see how he does.
  15. Lol, yeah I got ya bro. I mean it is Christmas time and all. Imma put dat oooommmmppphhh in ya stocking mane!
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