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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. If he is a "QB", then he should know how to grip the ball, for the most part. Come on man.
  2. This is exactly right. I think it's funny. I just still can't wrap my head around how he didn't know/or think the offense would change after the hiring of a new OC. That's just mind boggling to me.
  3. No reason you should I guess. If you don't care then why waste the time to post? You sure told us. ?
  4. This was my 1st thought when I saw the article. One would think it's pretty obvious that some things may change with the hiring of a new OC.
  5. Seems kinda weird. Wonder how one could miss out on that. Also wonder how much it may show in his play. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/lamar-jackson-didn-t-know-214341804.html
  6. Yes it did sound serious. I was worried.
  7. Lobster tails brushed with garlic butter on grill with ribeye steaks that I've marinated for a couple days. So tender they break apart when flipping them. Along with baked potato and country style green beans. ***** mouth watering I tell you.
  8. Lol, it's the same, just seems kinda weird and a little attention seeking. Anyways you do you brah. ?
  9. Dude you just posted this in the other thread that you made. Why bump another thread from long ago with the same exact info?
  10. Yeah, but they are "outer crust foods". Maybe you were just mistaken and not high?
  11. I think he definitely has more than 1year left. 31 isn't that bad and he's still a pretty good DT. IMO he will play 3 more years, maybe more. Unless he gets injured of course, but he's been pretty reliable throughout his career as far as I can remember. Agreed on the $ amount he is probably looking for though.
  12. I have to agree with this. The Oline will be very interesting to see how it unfolds. I believe Ford will earn a spot starting when it's all said and done. The others besides Morse of course will most likely be battling it out. Either way the Oline should definitely be better this time around and will open up a bunch of plays for the rest of the offense.
  13. I know right. I'd be pissed that someone broke in, but at the sametime kinda appreciative lol. I don't know, very weird.
  14. Somebody is a clean freak and took it upon themselves to scrub the mans bathroom and shower. Also kids room, and when done they left a nice toilet paper rose. How nice... https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/intruder-breaks-man-home-cleans-000000405.html
  15. I think you are beginning to burn your bridges here.....?
  16. Damn, he's getting held and triple teamed and still manages to get good pressure.
  17. I think it all depends on the brand or who makes it. Some crusts on certain pizzas aren't very good to me. There is an Italian restaurant near that has the best crust I've ever had. Also kinda like Papa Johns crust. Then there are some that I just eat the pizza to the crust and throw the crust to the dog or in the trash. So to me, it depends on the restaurant, brand, and who is making it to determine how good the crust is on certain pizzas.
  18. Oliver will be just fine. *Calling it now, Ed Oliver gets the 1st QB sack of the season* ?
  19. I don't know. You said this to me the other day for some reason and I asked you what you were talking about and you never responded, so figured I'd throw it back at ya.
  20. Careful you may get a point. ?
  21. Yup, I can certainly see this happening.
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