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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. For me, 1.5in thick boneless ribeye, marinated for 2 days. Cooked med rare. If it's cooked right, the flavor of the steak is so good I never have to use any steak sauce. I usually cook mine perfect, got that ***** down to a science. Only suppose to flip a steak one time on the grill so I like to sear the outside to keep the juices in.
  2. You know damn well it's too hot to wear jeans in Atlanta right now lol. I think that's where you said you are if I remember correctly.
  3. Agree, also want to add that those damn things were all yellow in color and just down right disgusting. Thought about taking a pic but didn't want to be too obvious and he may have gotten all pissy. But damn I wish my eyes would not have looked down as he trotted into the door. And of course he buys a 40oz of malt liquor and it was slightly before 9am.
  4. Just saw a dude at the store wearing the flops, looked as if he has not clipped his toe nails since his mother did it for him as a child. Guy could leap across a stream and catch a fish with those talons.
  5. Lol again, you don't know that for sure as I don't know that for sure. Just still love how you know all the universe has and you are the chosen one. lmao, you don't know ***** ?
  6. No it's not. It means absolutely nothing regarding proof in one way or other in terms of the subject discussed. ?
  7. ?? You're killin it brah. LOL. There's nothing more to add, I'll just sit back and continue to get a good laugh out of your gibberish. ? Straight killin it!
  8. Oh wow! That sucks, I remember when I got his autograph on a picture of him in the ring back when I used to work at Sneaker Stadium in VA Beach in 1998. He was there giving autographs and whatnot. He was good in the ring. RIP Sweet pea
  9. I'm not adding anything to what you typed, if you know you should have put that then you should have typed it yourself in the 1st place. I respond to what you do post, not what you should have posted, or what you want me to"feel free" to add. And you still just don't get that there is so much more to be explored which is funny to me. Again, there is no proof, it is simply unknown. And that's what it is.
  10. I think it's more Brady IMO than BB. Although I do think he is a good coach (hated to type that), but IMO quite a few different coaches could have taken their team to the playoffs and have made a couple Super Bowl appearances with Tom Brady at the helm and with an average defense. Maybe not quite as many Super Bowl wins as they have now but I still think if coach BB was not there or if he had left a few years back, IMO they would not have fell off but so much.
  11. Ahh ok I got ya. Yeah I'm not familiar with that one lol
  12. I don't know, I thought they made them safe just in case children did consume them, if so, then it has to be something else lol
  13. That has been my point from the beginning about this subject, this guy argues just for the sake of arguing and it's pretty silly IMO
  14. And btw this is unknown. You can only calculate the "observable" universe. And those calculations are limited. Educate yourself....and make sure you read the "beyond the observable" paragraph. Read it slowly son... http://www.dimensionsinfo.com/what-is-the-size-of-the-universe/ laughable. He who thinks he knows all but yet doesn't know a damn thing lmao
  15. Lol, you really do seem dense, but whatever. Your not changing the minds of anyone who believe it may be possible that intelligent life is one day discovered, so what is your agenda here? You sure have invested A LOT of time in this thread since it started a few years ago. Seems like you sure are keeping an eye out in this thread to see if anything is ever discovered. Until then, seems you just want to take your opinions as fact and call people out who dare to think anything different than you with your blinders on. In any event, you believe whatever you want and so will other people, leave it at that. If you think it's silly for people to think different than you do then stay out of the thread. Simple
  16. lol, I will once again resort to my original comment which is pure fact. They have not found any proof in one way or another. So all is speculation. Maybe you should invest your time into that before you post again. Actually scratch that, I'm enjoying all of your post about this. I do really get a good laugh. And thanks for that btw Exactly, that and here I can play that game too..... It's alll about the science!!!! lol, see I can play that game too.
  17. lol, um no, it's the complete opposite, once again. ?
  18. First off I know what kind of thread it is, second, I see you missed the point once again. Point is they are/will keep looking, technology will get more advanced as years go by, so in which case, the more they can explore and the more they will be able to explore when the technology advances MAY lead to them discovering those kinds of things. It's that simple. And btw, it's not a math thread either.
  19. Wow, just wow. Um k, yeah I guess it all stops at that then. There is no more of this so called "universe". It stops there. Lol, it tickles me that you think they have explored all there is to explore and it's a wrap, they are finished. When it's actually the complete opposite. But you keep doing you bud, have at it. smh
  20. lol no we haven't. We have only looked as far as our technology as of right now has allowed us to look thus far. Also they are still looking and no telling what else they may find further in the future.
  21. Look out bagel store if this guy gets hold of a gun.He may decide to shoot the place up. Just seems like one of those types that eventually may end up doing something along those lines at some point or another.
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