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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. If you trim the bushes around your deck it makes your deck look bigger.
  2. my pool water is as warm as bath water. I at least like the water around 85-86 degrees where it will cool you off, my pool water reads 93 and approaching 94 degrees fast. Hope for some rain to cool that ***** off!
  3. Looking forward to seeing this actually myself.
  4. I would hope not lol And no they certainly are not mine either, just some random person in flops ☠️ Some don't like the flops and choose to just go barefoot....
  5. Speaking of this, I made a very ***** delicious prime rib roast last night, omg was so good. Bursting with flavor, I couldn't stop eating it even though I was full. So not long after I passed out from over eating
  6. Lol, may as well go ahead and bring back Saved by the Bell too.
  7. well, one would think the Jets would have taken care of this a month ago at least. Now TC is about to start for them and their top pick is a no show. Wonder which side is the most responsible for this? lol My guess would be the Jets, but you never know I guess. I would definitely want my #1 pick squared away before now though, that's for sure.
  8. This is pretty much the same for me aswell. I want to see the depth players play well of course. But that 4th game,I'm always feeling blah on that one. Sometimes Imay not even watch the 4th preseason game. Main thing for me is I would hate to see any injuries, especially major ones to any of the starters. A lot of times that happens to teams and it really sucks. Hate to lose impact players in a meaningless game.
  9. Lol, we may have a few with that same response.
  10. Wondering what some of you think of this. I don't think it would work on me. I think that I may be too "brain strong" I guess you could say. I don't know, I just wonder if it really works and whatnot. I've seen a few videos and a few things here and there on t.v, but sometimes it seems kinda hard to believe someone could kinda "control" your mind like that. Also don't think I could just fall asleep like it seems some do. I don't know, what do some of you think of this?
  11. For the most part, yes...... going to respond to your number 1 and 2 statements and then I will be done with this.... 1. Yes, it seems to most likely be the case. I don't know about there has never been. No telling what may have been around the universe over billions and billions of years ago. Unless the government knows something we don't about another intelligent species. Which I also think "could" be possible. 2.Yes again. There is no "known" evidence, and as of right now with the current technology as far as we know, yes there is no way to find out for sure as far as we know. Lastly, yes, it is impossible to know for sure as it seems with current technology. Whether it will likely "remain" that way, well I don't know. We don't know what the future holds 50-200 years or more away. By that time (if humans still exist) IMO I think it's possible that they may find something that they never thought they would find.
  12. We are actually about to start season 1 of Dark tonight. Wifey and I thought it looked interesting and have been meaning to watch it but never got around to it. So hopefully I can get in at least a couple episodes in tonight. I haven't gave it chance yet. It looked as if it would be stupid and not down my comedy ally anyways, but willing to give it 10-15mins to see.
  13. No, not a unique perspective. A scientific perspective. Simply saying, and have been saying there is more in space that hopefully one day will be able to be researched and there's no telling what can/may be found. Beyond the Observable Universe Of course, these calculations are limited. It only accounts for the universe which we can observe. The calculations for the dimension of the universe go back only as far as light can reach. The rest of the universe beyond light may well be much bigger. Some make a distinction between the observable universe and the actual physical universe. The observable universe is the “edge”, the farthest light can travel. Beyond that is the rest of space.
  14. yeah, have looked at it. Have seen the equation and it means nothing as far as proof of anything. And yeah, I posted it a a page or so back. When I told you to read the observable space paragraph. So I guess go back and read it again. Either way it doesn't matter. You will think what you want and I will think what I want. There's no proof no matter what you say. It's unknown, at least as far as we know. So yeah, means nothing
  15. Yeah that's something else there bro.
  16. Again,itmeans absolutely nothing as far as proof. The calculations are limited(which I have already shown in another post) which you continue to ignore. You can keep believing that in your world. That's fine. Means nothing from a scientific standpoint, and proves nothing. Key word "proves". So once again, we will disagree. So leave it at that.
  17. No, once again it's the other way. People have picked through your "know it all" post and you just don't like it.We think YOU are the one that's as you say "short sighted". In any event, lets just say we disagree and will ALWAYS disagree, until there is actually HARD PROOF in one way other. So how bout lets just leave it at that and no more of your snarky, insulting post and I will stop my "smartass snarky" post as well. Agreed?
  18. So ignorant that you have to continue to insult people who don't agree with your "think"I know it all ways and your " I know everything about the universe and space" ignorant comments. You're the one making yourself look foolish when all you can do is insult, it's pathetic. I was going to start insulting you back, but figured what's the point, I'd rather not stoop to your ignorant level. People have attempted to have a general conversation but you, throughout this whole thread I've noticed, have just continued to insult. If that's all you can do, stay the ***** out the thread because you contribute absolutely nothing. You DON'T know ***** that's out there. I DON'T know ***** that's out there, that's FACT. Stop acting as if you do because again, it makes YOU look foolish.
  19. Only with the worcestershire sauce and a little bit of meat tenderizer.
  20. Yup and then preseason will be here before you know it and we can finally see some of these young guys fight for a roster spot. I'm interested in seeing how every spot plays out myself.
  21. It's all good. People cook it their own way I guess. That's just the way I've always done it for years and years and it always turns out perfect to my liking.
  22. Damn that's some beautiful fat marbling in that cut of meat. Delicious looking cut of meat. I'd keep taking advantage of that deal if I were you lol
  23. Also like a good old fashioned baked potato with it.
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