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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Yea I get it. But her filming that other show is basically them at home etc. Not necessarily on Raw backstage being in "possible" harms way. In any event, if Maria would happen to take a fall while backstage at a Raw or if she happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and got knocked down by another wrestler, then I would suspect WWE would be liable. So I still don't buy that she's really pregnant, if she is, then I'd be surprised.
  2. I don't know, I still don't believe she is. They normally would not even take chances with the women and she has been involved every week the past 3 weeks or so. Whether it's physical or not they normally don't take chances with that at all. Like the Miz's wife. I remember when it was announced she was pregs (the 2nd time), she was shown that 1 episode and then none after that.
  3. Hmmm, well I guess you could say that, only until he/she comes out. And to be honest, I highly doubt she is knocked up anyways. They are put on the shelf when they are.
  4. Maybe she won't lose the belt until she has the baby. While the baby is resting upon her chest as she lies down a ref can come in and count the 1,2,3. And the newborn will be the new 24/7 champ. Thinking outside the box ?
  5. I'm 41, definitely don't consider myself a millennial
  6. Thought it was 1990? Don't think it's that far back, may be wrong though.
  7. I'd like to get that website also please when you get chance. Thanks.
  8. Now it would be cool if Christie used her power on veto night and get the Mick dude put up. Would be a perfect move for her since he is coming after her soon as he gets a shot.
  9. That's great. Maybe they can get on track together early as possible. This is what we all are hoping for. Would be great! Hopefully it will continue. They will probably have a bad day here and there as most do, but as long as they can stay consistent for the most part.
  10. Pump the brakes there a bit buddy, it's been 2 days of TC and pads have not been put on yet. Or do they put pads on today? Either way there is still a lot more to observe to really make any conclusions at this point, but hopefully the offense takes the next step.
  11. They signed him? I saw where the Giants were working him out but don't know if they officially signed him yet. If so, that's fine by me. Bills backfield should have a decent day against the Giants, hopefully anyways... EDIT: Just saw in the KB thread that Giants are no longer interested it seems. Wow they are in a big mess at WR lol
  12. I disagree with this for obvious reasons....
  13. That's what I was hoping he would have done as well. Yeah we'll see how it plays out. I never understand why some of them don't try to take out the biggest threats early like Jackson, Mick etc. They always seem to want to take out people that aren't any threat hardly at all at the beginning. They let these guys just skate right on through and run the house and then they wonder why they get betrayed and sent home. Always seems that's the way it goes down for some reason.
  14. What do you guys think of the older dude Cliff so far? Think he has done pretty well thus far. Usually the older people get voted out very early for some reason. Which I don't understand that, if I were a younger guy I wouldn't consider the older ones too big of a target,as far as the physical part of the game is concerned anyway. Only thing I've never liked about the show is the people that get up there crying like a little B word and they haven't even been there a few days yet. Anyways, just seeing if any of you are watching it and what your thoughts are so far this season.
  15. I certainly hope they do. I definitely feel better about this seasons team than last years. Would love to see them take that next step and hopefully go deep into the playoffs.
  16. Maybe he meant "stupid" , "corny", or lame? IDK, I thought his stunt was pretty corn ballish myself though.
  17. I don't know about #1 defense, but as long as they are better against the run I would hope for top 5 if lucky. Would be great to be #1 but I would still be pretty happy with a good , solid defense. My hope is the offense takes a big step and that also will help out the outcome of the defense. Maybe they won't be on the field for as long this time around hopefully.
  18. But can a 5th round pick really be considered a "bust" if it doesn't pan out? I don't know, I just wouldn't look at it as bad as if it were a 1st or 2nd round pick that didn't pan out, or even a 3rd round pick. Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't consider a 5th round pick a "bust" if the guy doesn't do well in a short period of time, He may turn out to be average, who knows. We will see how it all plays out soon enough though.
  19. Gona go out on a limb here and predict Sills. I think he might come in and make some noise between TC and during preseason. Just a hunch I guess. Also think Josh Allen will look a lot better during TC and preseason with a year under his belt in this system. Of course we all know it doesn't mean much til Sept, but anyways, that's my 2 guesses.
  20. Sorry to hear bro. Tough thing to have to deal with. Wish you well.
  21. I think #3 was encyclopedia, unless I got the episodes mixed up. Know there was 1 episode where some dude talked him into buying encyclopedias. Don't know 1 and 2.
  22. I had a hot mid-upper 20 something yr old neighbor where I used to live a few years ago. And of course her bathroom window was facing my bedroom window. Her bathroom windows blinds were always up and bathroom window curtain always open. Maybe she was giving me one of the "porn scenario" signs to come on over. ?
  23. Everybody knows the refs are the most responsible giving them all the calls, not calling the obvious holding calls, and continuous second chances!!!! ? ?
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