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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Well, you could I guess but I would not recommend it.
  2. Maybe that will be the next thread lol
  3. Do you ever give her a golden shower lol? You forgot Royale's "nose picking" thread. lol I'm sure someone will probably top all three of those sometime or other
  4. Picking noses and peeing in the shower.
  5. What do you do if you have to pee while showering? Do you get out and get water all over the floor? Or do you just pee down the drain while showering? Me, yeah I piss in the shower from time to time when I have to go. Something about that warm water just makes you have to go. Don't judge me..... Answer honestly @Royale with Cheese. @Johnny Hammersticks
  6. That's not a girl buddy. That's a WOMAN!
  7. You still talking to her about the nose right? ?
  8. Lol, game or no game, a stripper is there for your money and that's it.
  9. Nah, I'm not worthy of that fine Asian dish.
  10. That's very rare. On occasion they will do that if you have a lot of cocaine or if you are rich.
  11. Yeah, whoever had that monster of a bump had a mess to clean up. That was nasty
  12. I guess he is to the Saints, but crazy IMO
  13. Wow! I don't think he is worth quite that much IMO. But congrats to him I guess.
  14. Tell her to look on your back. I bet she finds some. Or at least 1 or 2. They tend to find them when you don't believe they are there lol
  15. Yes! Oh yes...this too, she does that everytime in the pool. Done it yesterday.
  16. Make sure you have a rag,or sock nearby for clean up of the explosion.
  17. These lies.... lol. Oh so many lies. Who else wanna tell some lies today? Hot chics do not fart or take dumps.
  18. Yes, have seen it. Some of those are disgusting though. Some of those even she can't stand to watch lol.
  19. lol, she may sometimes do that. You have them too, they are there my friend, they are there. Yeah you got some too, don't lie lol
  20. Oh they are there.......they are there. May be small ones, but they are there buddy
  21. lol, put your chip in that dip If you have a wife/gf that's into that kind of ***** you would remember it. Hard to view your own back. I wouldn't have known I had any if it wasn't for my wife telling me and mashing the ***** out of it.
  22. O lord, yeah I've never had anything like that. that's pretty rough there. I tend to have a couple here and there.I'm outside alot so I sweat a lot, but dayum I haven't had anything,like that lol
  23. Lol 30plus years ago. You're saying you never get any bumps at all on your back? If so, I don't believe you.
  24. My wife will literally hunt me down sometimes to browse over my back to see if there is a pimple or two so she can mash the living ***** out of. She doesn't care if she finds one in a sensitive spot like on that side meat. Sometimes that ***** hurts and I will yell, then she simply tells me to hush and continues to torture me. Have had MANY of times I would be in the kitchen making a drink or getting something to eat etc, and almost seems the woman just rises up out of the ground outta nowhere to start looking on my back and start mashing. She does that ***** hard too. She loves it and I think she gets a kick out of it hurting me in those sensitive spots also. Any other men folk dealing with this issue?
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