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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Yup,I also mix my peanut butter with jelly in a bowl before making my PBJ sammich. Have you tried that? I have tried that and it was good. Let me know if you try it and if you like it because I need to know. If I text you I demand you return my text right away or damn you. Drop what you are doing, no matter how important and respond!
  2. He might have been in an accident. Or found himself a hottie and decided to put you on the back burner for now.
  3. lol@ arguing about Nate peterman
  4. I couldn't help but to get a lil laugh out of that sentence in bold lol.
  5. Well seeing how they got some new blood at WR it seems to me that they might be trying that. Guess we will see how they want to play come regular season.
  6. I hear Burger Kings. Though I have not tried them and will not try them. Edit: I hear they give you a lot more than just gas also lol
  7. Pretty sure he was referring to the Element115 poster that's just trolling every other thread.
  8. Yes, do this if your are trying to blow yourself up and catch ***** on fire around you. lol. I'm assuming you were being sarcastic. After your first put your fluid on and let sit for a couple mins, that's all you need to do. It will light just fine and burn just fine. To the question OP I prefer charcoal over gas.Just gives it a better flavor IMO.I have a Kingsford Charcoal grill and have had it for 4 years so far, and it's been great and still is great.
  9. Nah lol.No where near. Just ready to keep partying. Seen much higher and still those ppl were not ready to fall asleep. However, it does depend on the person and how much they can handle. I guess maybe some smaller ppl or those who don't have a decent tolerance could possibly be ready to go to sleep.
  10. Billy Joel, both are good writers though
  11. Exactly and well put. It means absolutely nothing as I've stated many, many times. Didn't know it was posited all the was back in 1961 lol. So many things change from day to day and this is from over 50 yrs ago lol. Bolded is exactly correct. Bottom line
  12. I don't know, I guess they would be about equal as far as dangerous. But .13 is a little bit high but I've seen higher. So I guess maybe the driver texting might be a little more dangerous since their eyes are not on the road at all at certain times while texting. But what if the person was drunk with a.13 bac AND texting at the sametime? Disaster waiting to happen I suppose.
  13. Well, that was quick. Summer is almost over now. Seems like it flew by pretty quick. My kids go back to school in 2 weeks.
  14. 2. I could take the phone away from the child,therefor no more distractions as far as that part goes anyways.
  15. I personally think it may be something else. I remember PMing him one day and I asked...."hey man, how they hanging"? His response was " twice the length of my penis now, thanks for asking". Maybe that had something to do with it? Should have added that in @Johnny Hammersticks saggy ball thread maybe.
  16. Yup, and his girl is ugly as dammit. ?
  17. It would be cool if his very 1st carry in the next preseason game he takes it to the house again.
  18. Maybe he got banned for some reason?
  19. This is one of the worlds hottest sauce. It is said that you will have an Anal Holocaust when attempting to use the restroom.
  20. he sure did get doubled quite a bit, yeah noticed he left out the play where Ed O pushed him back into Brissett also OP. Anyway, good stuff.
  21. I did the same for the first time last night. Mine had a little lag here and there,but overall was decent. Especially for free.
  22. I feel for you guys that still have to deal with the DTV bull####. I canceled mine last year. Just could not take it anymore. Had been with them since 2004 and they do nothing but raise my bill at every turn. They don't care how loyal you have been. A few other things I could go on about but to make it short, it just wasn't worth it anymore for me. Hope someday another company gets a way so people can see all and any games at some point or other. Until then I will just continue to find other ways to watch the Bills, which is fine by me for now.
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