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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Nah, it's not a loss for anyone.It's really no big deal. If they want to look then they will look, if not then so what. It's not a "loss"by any means.
  2. So, it doesn't really matter man. You just kinda made it sound like "you" cover it. Kinda sounds a lil petty and attention seeking. JMO
  3. Yes and are the only team in NY. Very silly even asking a question like that when one hand you have the 9-3 Bills and the NJ Jets/Giants on the other.
  4. Gona have to look and see if this guy has an updated video yet after last night lol lol here it is....
  5. @Just Jack usually bumps the ref thread every week. Probably tomorrow or Saturday.
  6. Sorry for your loss. Wish you and yours well. Hopefully the Bills can pull off a W on Sunday and at least make the day maybe go a little better.
  7. Liking the veteran, respectful response there by Brown. Hope he has a big game.
  8. It might be the case, in any event I believe the Bills ST will have to make some big plays maybe in order to get this W. So we will see what they have planned. Will certainly be an interesting game.......I hope.
  9. I think ST's will play a big part in this game. If Roberts can get a TD return on a kickoff or punt, it may make all the difference in this game. He is due for one and I can just feel a TD return coming from ST soon. Hope this is the game to do it.
  10. Maybe Roberts can take one to the house this game. He is due for a TD return at any moment.
  11. Yup, you got to try and pry it out of there and do the best you can keeping the TE's in check along with Ingram. Definitely easier said than done, but if the Bills D can just contain them for the most part and the offense covers their end, the Bills will have a strong chance at pulling out the W. Also at least it's in New Era, 12th man will make it a little more difficult also.So we have that. We will see how the cookie crumbles.
  12. So fresh! ? I've never heard them called that before.....................
  13. It's because the CB turned his head around as if he was looking for the ball to throw off the ref. Veteran move.
  14. Going to have to try and keep those Ravens TE's in check.
  15. That definitely looks to be the case so far. He has been playing very well. Has better coaching in Tenn than he has had his whole career. So I'm not surprised he is playing a lot better there than he was in Miami.
  16. Exactly. If it wasn't for them, that would not have been possible. Allen just made it look good. And he did a fine job.
  17. I think he's talking about prime Time games at home, not on the road. I can definitely see it. Does seem like they bring up Bills needi9ng a new stadium a lot. You make be right, or at least that may have something to do with it anyway.
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