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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Thanks Thank you, hopefully is not too severe.
  2. Anyone know why Andre Roberts was not returning punts and KR? Some one showed up at my door and I missed a good 15 mins of the game, next thing I know Hyde was doing the punts. Any info on that would be appreciated, Thanks.
  3. I'd just like to say this.....I know all of us on this board don't see eye to eye at times, however I just want congratulate the Bills organization 1st and foremost, but also to all of us REAL fans (which the majority here are). Not the bandwagon jumpers but the real fans that have stuck with this team through thick and thin for how ever many years you have been a Bills fan (34 yrs for me). Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is even though we argue from time to time and sometimes even insult one another, I just want us all to soak this in as Bills fans, together. It's been a very long time since the Bills were AFC East Champs (25 or 26 if not mistaken). 2020 has definitely sucked, but this, this little piece of well deserved happiness is something we all should be proud of. There's more work to do obviously and IMO this IS DEFINITELY a Superbowl caliber team and has a very good shot at not only getting back to the SuperBowl, but they can win this thing. I enjoy this board and I enjoy you fellow fans (even the ones that I don't get along with to much). This is something we can all enjoy for a short period of time, and enjoy it together. Here's to keep on working, and get Buffalo a Championship. So Merry Christmas and Happy holidays and I hope all stays safe and enjoy your family, but when you have just a moment, try and sit back and soak it all in. So proud of this football team. Thanks for reading my longer than originally planned on post if you did read it. AFC East Champs Buffalo Bills. Get the hat if you haven't already ordered one.
  4. Ssshhhhh, we shalt not speak of this..... So I guess depending on how the test go in Denver tomorrow will determine if the game gets moved? That's what I'm assuming anyways.
  5. If the Bills win the Super Bowl, then maybe a single tear of joy will gently fall down my cheek.
  6. The Pitt games wasn't added yet maybe? Or maybe he was talking passing TD's and not total?
  7. I think they win out and go 13-3 anyways, which would be great.
  8. I would assume that one day we will see him in some sort of shampoo comerical.
  9. All of those are great, but I spit my drink out a lil after reading the bold. lol
  10. We will see them in the AFC Championship game. No worries.
  11. Idk, He might just feel kinda silly and embarrassed and possibly switched user names lol.
  12. Beautiful. I hope to see the standings like this for years and years to come.
  13. I had to mute my tv. Dude is just awful. Can't even stand his clueless voice.
  14. This is a Super Bowl caliber team by all means.
  15. Wonder if they will say the Bills are legit yet, or come up with some more BS. Great job Bills. Hell of a game! So proud!
  16. Like to see Kroft activated over Knox
  17. Yeah Every dog likes meat on his bone. I like em thick too myself. But either way she's still a hottie
  18. FU*K Yeah!!!! I started early
  19. Just cracked open my 1st beer, 14 and hlf more hrs to go! Whooooody whooooo!
  20. Shiyyytttt, I like the ends.
  21. But I saw where the 49ers knew exactly what the Bills were doing. Lol, slight hiccup there.
  22. Me too. Love the red jerseys.
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