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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. I don't know if I'd say they were phenomenal at it, there were some times they kept teams inside the 25 here and there but not sure it was enough to say did they did phenomenal. While Bass is a very good kicker, he will more times than you'd want to see kick some of those out of bounds giving offenses good field position starting at the 40.
  2. Ok, but do you think you could feel the same way for one of those teams as the Bills? For me if Bills moved I'd have no other team, ever. I'd be a lot less interested in NFL all together. I'd probably tune into playoffs that would be about it
  3. I couldn't tell you the meaning behind honestly. I just have been hearing it a lot from the younger crowd at times. You haven't come across it yet?
  4. I don't know but I've been hearing the quote, "big dick energy" mentioned quite a bit too whatever that means
  5. I feel ya...was just wondering because I was always a die hard Charlotte Hornets and Bills fan only back in the day. The orignal hornets back in early 1990's. Anyway, as much as I loved my Hornets back then, my Bills always meant more to me than hornets did.
  6. I get some situations can be different regarding different kind of sports leagues MLB/NFL/NBA. I'm curious and if you don't mind me asking, do you consider your level of fandom for the Mets the same as for the Bills? Or do you feel one means more to you than the other?
  7. Now in this type of circumstance I can get it and see some reasoning behind a person for saying that. In this instance your friend was a kid, which I get certain kids that may be younger liking a team and as they get older that easily can change. But this was a man that was in his late 50's up to mid 60's
  8. Well, you do make a point about if it's a limit for loyalty, so I guess one can look at it that way if he had given that impression. Thing with that though is he made it clear he cared nothing for Packers at all, the team he said he was a loyal die hard fan of. If he said he still liked the Packers to some extent then I get it, not my thing, but least not as bad lol
  9. Personally, I don't see much of an issue myself. I mean considering how a lot of the times KO's are through the EZ or fair caught in the EZ anyways.
  10. See I can completely understand where you're coming from in those certain situations and I basically wouldn't question the issue regarding the circumstances you stated. However, if that's the case then they should not claim to be a "loyal die hard" fan of said team I would think.
  11. Agree, I have heard a few different people say that type stuff on other occasions. After I hear someone say that I'm immediately done with the conversation. I just can't have a genuine football discussion with that person
  12. I have to think this has happened to quite a few ppl here before at some point or other..... Anyways, to quickly set the scene for you just a bit, stopped for gas while I was out running some errands and have one of my many Bills shirts etc, and have a smaller 3-4in tattoo of Bills charging buffalo on the back of my neck people notice sometimes that often is the first thing they comment on getting my attention starting a little football talk.... Told him I was a loyal die hard Bills fan for almost 40 years now and he was a die hard fan of the Packers for however many years, but at some point is now a die hard Raiders fan lol So how can one be a "loyal die hard" fan when you switch teams like that? I could never do it, I can't imagine myself being a fan of any other team besides Buffalo.
  13. Well, clearly there's no way to know if the OL is average or anything right now. It may be between 5-8 weeks before you're able to get a good idea where they might stack up.
  14. Well, I'm not sure what you're trying to get at in regards of what you say he watched at Carolina. He could have gotten Knox more involved than he did. I hope he figures it out with Knox/Kincaid in his 2nd season.' As for the bold, that's certainly the hope..however it remains to be seen and some fans aren't as confident in Dorsey at the moment
  15. Well I'd guess if Bills offense struggled against the blitz a bit more last season than prior couple seasons, then I'd say one issue which possibly was the biggest issue that played a factor was the absence of Bease. Obviously multiple issues played a part, New OC, OL, etc....but that confidence and trust with Bease that he could rely on not there anymore when the ball needs to come out fast in those situations was a big part
  16. Yeah, I think that sounds about right. I do recall quite a few instances different sports shows mentioning how good and improved KC's OL was. Some may have even considered as the best. But yeah, would make all the difference in the world if Bills OL improves similar to that level
  17. Yup that's what one of the main changes they want from him.
  18. That's kinda how I see it also.... I mean we probably will see him take "what the defense gives you" a bit more often than before, especially early part of the season I'd expect. He will still use his legs often, but maybe tries to be more safe. There still will be times he lays it all on the line when he feels it's needed because that's just who he is.
  19. I don't know but probably would have better luck with what we got as of now Dodson, Spector etc. I'm not sure what the reason is that when you came across this particular players name made you think he might be the answer at MLB?
  20. Well, I think there's only so much that can change when it comes to Allen. I mean certain situations he could do a little better like taking what the Defense gives him at times and whatnot. But he is what he is and will still play his game more often than not I expect. He will still have those plays where he picks ups chunk yards with his legs.
  21. You're probably right. That's why I said if they are able to develop him
  22. Yeah the undrafted one that got signed. That's a pretty damn tall WR. He would be a nightmare for any defender especially if they can develop him the right way.
  23. Agreed, just to say you're likely correct ST would increase his chances a lot to make the roster, while he may not have "significant" role on offense for the most part, at some point in the season he will get some opportunities due to injury etc. I assume he may feel a little pressure but hope he handles it well
  24. I did think Edmunds had a little bit of a better year, however I have always said that with the addition of Miller helping in not only of QB pressure but he also is a big factor for what factored in some improvement on DL, those I would say helped in a much bigger way in Edmunds improved season than just being his a contract year
  25. Lol, 27 puts you in the grandpa category
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