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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. I guess. There have been many surprises before. If the same knuckle heads were running the show I could definitely see it. One would hope that the new HC and GM would be a litter smarter.
  2. ah ok. I didn't know that. Well I guess they maybe do have the ammo. However I still don't think Texans do it though. Yes, I was just notified. I didn't know. I stand corrected.
  3. Thing is , unless I'm mistaken, Jets don't have a bunch of high picks. Unless they offered future 1st round pick(s). They don't have nothing to offer as far as this draft though, far as I'm aware. I said earlier that if this did happen and Texans are still stupid, even with new HC and GM, if they did try(unlikely IMO) I would think Miami would have the pics to do it more than any team I would think. With 2 firsts rd picks, or do they have 3? Either way, Texans would get their 1st rounder back with Fins 1st and possible 2022 1st. Hell maybe would also include Tua, depending on what the Texans think of him. I feel like it will take that much, 3 1st round picks to get a franchise QB in Watson. That's if Texans are still dumb enough to move him. IMO if you're lucky enough to get a franchise QB, especially like Watson, you keep him at all cost. If he's unhappy, the new coach/GM needs to do whatever it takes to make him happy.
  4. I posted earlier a very similar response. I knew Allen would again improve this season, was easily expected with the addition of Diggs. However, I totally did not expect the amount of improvement that he done. Also didn't expect Diggs to turn out to be the best WR in the entire NFL, in all categories I might add. Just a very impressive, and for me, a mind blowing season. I would say Allen still will improve even more. He is getting better and better at reading defenses now as it is. Just the thought of him getting better than he has now is a scary, scary thing for opposing defenses.
  5. Would be an interesting read. As far as Bills fans or die hard football fans of whatever teams they like. But think Bills fans would relate to it the most since we are all likely feeling and going through the same thoughts/emotions.
  6. Yeah I think they will blitz this game. They didn't hardly at all the 1st meeting. I feel like the Bills have all of the D this go round and they are all healthy for the most part. So I think they can try a number of different things they couldn't the 1st meeting due to lack of personnel. Maybe they find something that works for a while, if they do you can be sure Andy Reid will adjust to it at some point. Then will have to counter. Will be an interesting coaching battle also that some may overlook. I believe there will be quite a few adjustments this game by both teams.
  7. This is true. Not sure if he is gona go tomorrow, but if he does, he may not be 100% either. Also knowing Watkins as well as we do, he may not go the full game before he is hurt again. Guy had/has the talent, just not reliable to stay on the field. And in that event, what good are you? A handful of games? Not sure how many total games he has missed this season so far, but we know he can't stay healthy.
  8. I would think the Chiefs are likely thinking the same about Josh Allen. Wouldn't you think? Lol
  9. Lol, I have been fine for the whole week, until yesterday evening and now it's really setting in today. Love it though. I knew our Bills would be better this season after last year. But I didn't expect this much better, just yet anyway. So it has been a pleasant surprise. Think I predicted 11-5 or 12-4 before it started. I did kinda expect them to win the division this year, but not in the fashion they did do it with a sweep of everyone. Been a great ride no matter what happens tomorrow.
  10. Yeah, but it doesn't always work that way. I think I would try to get pressure on the edges. However, I'm sure they will attack many different areas and ways. Just saying I'd definitely want to keep him in the pocket which ever they do.
  11. So did a lot of fans show up at the airport anyway? I missed it. Thought there was a video of it, but don't remember the thread. Anyway, just curious
  12. On here for a good portion, and trying to see if I can kiss up to the wifey enough to help me with some of this stress.
  13. Well either way, we know the players are aware that they are getting over looked. Not by everyone, but a lot of damn people. That's what I like....
  14. Regarding the bold. I would think that would make PM get out the pocket? I would much rather try and keep him in the pocket as much as possible. Like Josh, he does a good amount of his damage on the run and outside the pocket.
  15. Other poster said it was because of the disrespect they been getting. If so that's a good one.
  16. Ahhh ok. Yeah I can see that. Went over my head there lol. Now that you pointed that out to me it makes sense.
  17. I'm confused as to why the Bills would post that. Unless it's some sort of sarcastic post that I can't see. lol
  18. To the bold, that's somewhat true, especially in the earlier part of the season. the last quarter to quarter and half of the season though Bills changed that tune and were beating the breaks off teams. I mean they kept the foot on the gas and kept passing on many occasions. Which I loved it and what I wanted them to do.
  19. Yeah I do remember that particular game. The highlights of it anyways. Yeah they should have lost that 1, but was talking about some of the others down the stretch?
  20. I'm sure this has been pointed out to you, but anyways, Bills that game Allen had a bum shoulder and had an impact on his throwing that game against the Chiefs. Also Bills were missing quite a few impact starters on Defense. Especially 1 being Matt Milano. Bills D is much better when he plays, actually much better than you would think being just 1 player. But his presence alone does make that much of a difference. I believe it was at least 2 other starters on D that was out. The Bills at that time didn't know for sure who and when their opponent would be due to the NFL baby walking the Titans. Game planning for 2 teams at the same time I'm sure was a challenge. In any event I'm not trying to make excuses here, even though it may come off that way. I'm simply saying that I wouldn't put but so much stock into that week 6 game. This game I expect will be a lot better for them.
  21. Yeah that's what I was wondering. Wasn't sure because I don't watch Chiefs, but figured that was likely the case in some games anyway.
  22. I'm not sure because I don't follow them much, but I guess it could be possible that in some of those games they had a big lead and took the foot off the gas in which case teams got some garbage points.?
  23. I'm in the same boat lol. It's just when Bills were good and went to 4 Super Bowls I was 14, 15, 16 years old. Was kinda used to/expecting success back then. That's been so long ago I'm trying to remember that feeling. Lol, and my emotions are just all over the place. I'm extremely happy and over joyed, anxious, nervous, little scared I guess you could say. All those bundled up into one. But it's awesome!
  24. I don't see this happening, at least with the Jets. If he does get traded (which I don't think he will), only team I can see having the realistic chance is Miami. They are the only ones that has the picks that might could swing it.
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