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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Something I wish the Bills were able to do. Anywho, hopefully that's one of the issues that gets resolved.
  2. Maybe Atkins but not so sure about Sherman. At this point I don't see him as being any better than Norman this late in their careers.
  3. I'd be all for it also. Maybe get the last couple years of what he's got left. I'm not sure how certain things will/can play out, but if they can part ways with Murphy and whatever else Beane decides to do to get $$ it could happen I guess. I understand he's not what he was a couple years ago, but he would still very likely be better than anyone that's on the roster now. Also it seems like he hits a different switch at playoff time. So depending on how expensive he would be, I would be excited about it myself it things were to swing that way. Yup, I would agree. Agree he would probably cost a little too much, however imo I think he still has a good 2 years left. I would be more concerned about his injuries and how many games he would play more than his play being diminished.
  4. Yeah I thought Singletary brought more also, however not by a lot though. He great at making players miss and I guess you could add Moss being a rookie, he will likely get better. But the OL run blocking wasn't great either. Probably could add play calling to a certain extent/and or scheme also. Wonder if they draft an OL player or maybe get one in F/A. Anyway, just saying although the RB's struggled, it's not all on them. I'm sure you already know this though. But agree they need a more speedy RB with decent hands obviously. That with improved run blocking may get em over the little hump, or close to it.
  5. Yeah he stated something along the lines of C was his favorite position or he liked it the most. Something of that sort if I remember correctly. He's pretty damn good at C too. I think that game he was C the run game was a lot better also. I mean it was a pretty noticeable difference too
  6. Yeah, at most I may flip to check the score a couple times if I'm watching t.v. Likely take care of whatever business that's needed at that time anyways. Definitely a game I have absolutely no interest what so ever in watching this year.
  7. Yup, that's pretty much it. DS is a solid back. Impressive when he makes people miss and breaks some ankles. Just need a speedy RB that catches the ball well to go with him though. And yes, OL needs it's adjustments, or maybe a change of scheme. But yes, it's definitely both RB and OL/scheme that's the issue.
  8. Was thinking about this the other day also. Hoping all is well. I would think he likely is better since there hasn't been any updates (far as I know). So I guess no news is good news.
  9. Meh, I don't know, but speaking for myself if it ever comes to a point where the QB2 has to play for 3-4 games, I'd definitely feel more confident on Fitz as a back up QB than Barkley. That's just me though.
  10. Well it's because some have no confidence in him if Josh goes down(knock on wood). I know it's highly unlikely, but as a few others have mentioned before I'd love to get Fitz back in a Bills uni and backing him up.
  11. Ahhhh, sucks having to wait til Aug-Sept to watch him again. Really enjoyed watching him and the Bills team this season. Very exciting and can't wait to see him even better next season.
  12. Lol, yeah I guess. Not by a whole heck of a lot though I imagine
  13. Yup, first thing that crossed my mind. Unless I've missed it, I didn't see the reasoning for it yet. Of course he could (and likely will) say anything though.
  14. Well not sure yet, but maybe Oliver would make more of an impact with a big DT beside him.
  15. *Sigh*..... Well it's kinda hitting me a little more today. I "thought" I had for the most part mentally prepared myself for this loss due to the fact I had a feeling our Bills were not quite ready for the Chiefs. As it's settling in I'm a little heart broken. Maybe it's because of how we lost? I don't know...but keep reminding myself that they have a lot to build off of and are almost there. We have an awesome Bills team and very likely will be top competitors for quite a few years to come. Maybe it's hitting harder also because the reality of no more Bills football for a while. Anyways, still proud of them and was an incredible season. Off to mourn some more....
  16. I'd also like to sign this Thank You letter/post. Was a great ride and I wish it wasn't over for this season yet, but I loved every minute of it. I know there is much more to come though. Keep up the fight. Much love. Go Bills
  17. Lol, how many are confident the Bills stop em after the half? Kelcey is burning the Bills up
  18. Not if they can't figure out how to stop KC and cover the TE once in a while. That down by 9 will quickly be a lot more
  19. Damn, that was an awesome video. Just as good if not better than the one last time.
  20. Yup I agree. Hard to argue with that. But it kinda of makes my point a little stronger that if he's unhappy due to past events, the new GM/HC should do whatever it takes and everything in their power to make him happy. I think they should rebuild trust within the organization because he clearly isn't the happiest right now. But as good as he is, you rank him #4. I'd put him at 4 also, at the least #5. If you're lucky enough to get/have a QB that good, no amount of draft picks would be enough. Especially no Sam Darnold either lol. But like I said, we all have been surprised before and this would definitely be one of those Huge surprises if they do trade him.
  21. Where would you rank Watson? Sorry for the repeated question, I edited my other post at the same time you responded to mine. So wasn't sure if you caught it or not.
  22. No telling how long it could take to come across another QB like Watson. Darnold would not be the answer. Unless he surprisingly improves dramatically with a new scenery. I doubt that. He may improve, but I don't see him improving to the point where they would feel comfortable enough to trade their top 3-5 some would say QB. He's definitely in the discussion though. Most would likely put Watson at a top 3 QB I believe. Definitely top 5 I would think. In your opinion, where would you rank Watson as far as one of the top QBs in the league? I would probably put him top 5, think he would definitely be no lower than 6th. Where do you rank him? Just curious....
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