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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Just out of curiosity, is there anyone that is familiar and or has posted in this thread that 100% agrees with 4mer? Like really agree with everything he post about this subject? In other words, anyone else that can honestly say that with so much that's unknown in space, and with so many new galaxies and planets being discovered here and there yet also the millions and more that has not been discovered and so much that will never be discovered...... With that being said, can anyone honestly say that there isn't even the slightest possibility that some other intelligent life may be some where in the cosmos out there? Just curious because I have not seen 1 person that really agrees with 4mer to that extent. The people that I have ever came across that really doesn't think aliens exist have always at least admitted that nobody can be 100% absolutely certain due to the obvious facts stated above about so much that is unknown and so much that will ALWAYS be unknown it's unimaginable. Just wondering, thanks.
  2. I'm gona keep this short as I can because I've already wasted too much of my time with you, at my own fault due to quoting you in the 1st place. Anyway the 1st bold....The telescopes can't see into every single galaxy (assumed that was a no brainer). Even top astronomers has make it clear there's no way of knowing what could be out there, at least no now. Hence why they are always searching. 2nd bold....yes, it's 100% true. Lastly 3rd bold.....Have attempted to have reasonable discussion with you long ago and as I stated above, it's impossible and a waste of time. So no need to quote me again. You will be the one wasting time this time around.
  3. I think it's quite obvious to myself and many others that has posted in this particular thread that it's simply a waste of time to attempt to have a reasonable discussion with you on the subject. You just keep repeating the same thing over and over, also you get snarky at times and you act like a smartass towards others. Also I can honestly say I have not seen one person that agrees with you 100%. If so I definitely missed it and was likely only 1 person, but I doubt it.So guess we're all as you say, "loons" right? I'm willing to go as far as to say that those who do doubt (well a large majority anyways) are at least willing to admit the simple FACT that it anything is possible due to the FACT that there is no way of knowing what is/could be out there. But not you, noooooo, all you provide in nearly every post is "the math" from 19 whatever the f. So therefore it's not possible to have a reasonable discussion with you. With that being said, I'm out.
  4. I'm laughing at you. Yeah the point of my original post went over you. All you do is post "math this, math that and call people loons.It's the same things with you. If it gets to you so much, why keep coming to the thread? It obviously bothers you that some people believe and you won't change anyones mind. So why keep the same ol stuff up?
  5. It's kinda disturbing how much this thread gets to you. I mean it seems like it's living in your head, rent free of course. You have said your thoughts on this and still just keep repeating yourself over and over and over and over. People will think or believe what they want. It's not like you're going to change peoples minds anyway and with that being said, it's really weird how you keep repeating yourself with nothing new to offer while yet at times belittling others. It's like you intentionally keep trying to get under the skin of anyone who post a comment in this thread. Sad really.
  6. It sucked. Was very disappointed in it myself. Was really looking forward to seeing it too. But yeah, turned out to be a dud.
  7. Don't see the big deal here. If he has permits and all is legal, then so what. People hunt gators all the time. Show called Swamp People is exactly that. Anyways, nothing to see here imo.
  8. Oh yes, for you definitely! We can turn off phones and clocks and just have an all out and all day tickle and play fest!
  9. I think this thread has a shot at having more talk of food and alcohol more than Watt lol
  10. He had a very impressive rookie year. You could tell though the difference towards last and into the playoffs that his injury played a pretty good impact on him. Just didn't look quite right and his play took a dip. But he is tough and did what he could to try and play through it. I have a feeling next season he will be a dangerous WR, especially long as he can stay healthy. Excited to see him again.
  11. Lol, came in to check to see if there were any updates on this and it's just a lot of food and whisky discussion. So I take that as a big ol no lol
  12. Yup, I doubt we see much happening with signings until all that gets ironed out.
  13. Lol, I was a Baker guy at that time, but obviously knew he wouldn't last when Bills picked. Very happy how it turned out though.
  14. lol, you and some others. Think it was a no brainer at the time. I mean to at least attempt to get him. Obviously we needed more help with passing game. However I didn't think Bills would get him though. Thought he would have went with another team. Very glad to see Bills as a very desirable team to play for now.
  15. Yeah I think so too, but not by much. They have the slight edge in WR when OBJ is on the field. Think their TE's are a little better also. And their D is maybe to close to call, or maybe a little better, not by much. Agree Allen is the difference.
  16. Maybe Jets could get that. imo I don't think so. Maybe a 3rd, but I don't think he's showed enough to warrant a 2nd round pick, especially not a 1st. Even though a team like Steelers would have a good chance at helping him improve. Still don't think a team goes no more than a 3rd for him. Just hasn't done much imo.
  17. I never thought this myself for one second. And really couldn't understand why those that did came to that conclusion.
  18. Lol well it likely won't go anywhere for a bit longer. At least til he does not sign with the Bills and the cap gets figured out.
  19. I think they are pretty damn close though. But yeah, I don't think they are the "one big time player" away. I think they will need more, especially on the Defensive side.
  20. I played in high school. The last 3 years and I was damn good too. Could have easily went to the college level, but was too busy chasing booty, drinking, drugs and getting in trouble. Definitely did not have my head on straight at that time. I played on offense and defense. Was LB on D and I guess you could call it TE on O. Wasn't the fastest but could catch everything thrown to me. I honestly don't remember ever dropping a pass.
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