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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Well those players are getting more than I would have imagined before hand. I recall seeing their #'s and was pretty surprised at the amount they got. Definitely more than I would have predicted then. At least Klein showed some promise after a few bad games. He really redeemed himself and played well.
  2. That would be interesting. I could dig it. Didn't think he had too much of a good run with Bears though, but I don't pay much if any attention to them or their stats. So not sure, but didn't hear too much about him like when he was a Raider. Anyways, could be the system and/or scheme. Would be curious to see how he would do in Bills system.
  3. Without going all the way back to page 4 where I was at yesterday with this thread, is this still cookin? Or turn out to be nothing? I would bet the latter.
  4. I want a speedy RB with good hands. Got the bruiser in Moss. Need a RB that hits the lane and before you know gains 30 plus yards.
  5. Lol, they gots to load up that back field. I'm sure they will release whoever, but they probably will keep more RB's than usual. Specially if Cam is the starter again. That's about all they can/will do is run the ball. And I love it.
  6. Yeah that's just non sense. I used threat due to the fact he got tripped up at the last minute a couple times where was just 1 man to beat. And teams did not want to kick to him because he was.....a threat.That's still a threat. But yeah I'll enjoy using words as they are meant to be used.
  7. Ummm dude, he WAS a threat to take it all the way. That's why I said that specifically, he was a "threat", which he absolutely was. I DID NOT say, "he returns KR's for TD's all the time". Me saying he was a threat in no way shape or form is the same as saying "he returned for TD's". My main point was he was great at giving the offense good field position. Also he was a "threat" to take it all the way. Meaning as rare as it's done, he was more dangerous than most to return it for the score. Yeah dude, you taking "threat" to do something as if it means actually doing it for some odd reason.
  8. Yeah really, something definitely doesn't seem right with that.
  9. Your'e missing my point. I'm talking about the field position he gave this team on a fairly regular basis. Best in the league. I however, think it brings a good advantage. Not to mention the times he was an ankle trip up away from actually scoring. Again, even though he didn't take 1 for the TD, he was definitely a major threat to do it. I'm sure you remember at times teams tried to avoid kicking to him.
  10. Exactly, and when you have one that gets good position majority of the time it's always an advantage. But can still understand why they moved on so is what it is.
  11. Again... how many does any returner take to the house these days? As I mentioned up thread it's rare.
  12. Yup, was thinking that too lol. Soon as that muffed PR happens and it takes the W away. There will be ppl missing Roberts.
  13. League leading KR average. He does have enough breaking speed, not the fastest, but fast enough. Again I'll say KR's taken for a TD don't happen hardly at all. He also was best in the league not only for the Bills, also with the Jets. He's a damn good KR/PR. I get the point he doesn't give you what you want at WR, and that's understandable. But to say he wasn't impressive as a KR/PR specialist, is kinda silly.
  14. Yeah I'm aware. I mentioned upthread about that.....A KR or PR hardly ever gets taken all the way anyhow. I mean how many returners the past few seasons have taken it all the way for the TD? May have 2 or 3 possibly that have. But point being it's rare, specially last few seasons as it's most of the time a touch back. Which makes it even more rare. My point was that you always felt he was due and it could happen any time with him. Also he got good/great field position pretty often. Sometimes you knew he should have taken a knee when he ran it out. It happens. But he definitely got great position a whole lot more than he didn't.
  15. Yup, agree. The 3rd rounder is so close to the end of the round it's like a 4th. Also I'm aware he was impressive a few years back, and he still may be good. I don't know since he's been with the Browns. Honestly have seen much more of Chubb than Hunt. I think he would still be a little pricey for a RB. But I feel confident in whatever decision Beane makes. With that being said, I don't see Hunt as being the RB they get. I think they add a RB, but imo doubt Hunt will be it. We'll see....
  16. Yeah I get that. But we know how little Bills ran the ball too. In any event, I agree though. He's not impressive and also would probably cost too much for a RB.
  17. I'm not disagreeing with you, but he didn't get very much plying time with Chubb playing did he? Either way, I don't see him coming to Bills anyways.
  18. Wow!! Really? OBJ to the Fins. Lol well ok Edit: Just saw fake account.
  19. ok, thanks. Not sure where I was getting 1.3 from. That's still not too bad though, but I guess if you look at it like he's not a good WR, I can see why that $ could be used elsewhere.
  20. Yeah he did take it out EZ once in a while when should have taken the knee. And I get he was just trying to make a play. However scoring on KR/PR don't happen often at all. So that doesn't bother me. And he gave Bills great field position many, many more times than not. Just saying I get why they moved on being likely he wasn't much of an impact at WR. He was just very reliable as a return man. I never thought to myself "hope Roberts doesn't muff this kick" and was always confident he was going to give decent field position for the most part. Yeah you're right about the bold though. Most of the time the touchback is taken anyways. But it is nice to have that threat though. And even though he didn't take one to the house (which hardly happens anyway) you just knew and felt at times it was coming and he could at any time.
  21. He wasn't making big money though. Thought it was like 1.3$ per. Unless I'm mistaken, which is very possible.
  22. Well, not sure if Bills made him an offer or not, but if this is true, good luck. Was great having a threat to take it to the house for a change. Since McGee I believe.
  23. Maybe, anyways I doubt DS goes anywhere myself. I do think another RB is bought in though and they still do a rotation. But you never know I guess, they could trade him, but I don't see any value ihe will get. Beane can definitely surprise you though so wouldn't put it past him to get something. If he could get a 3rd for Tyrod, he can do anything I suppose lol
  24. Not sure about Hunt playing ST. I don't think he does. Could be wrong though.
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