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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. That makes sense, but wonder what it means for the ones who don't get any effects at all? Idk, probably means nothing and likely still works the same.
  2. And he likes lilies...
  3. And you didn't destroy everything in your path to get to that store? lol
  4. Now he will sign with Tampa lol
  5. I used to be able to drink with the best of em. Drank way too much really. Lol, so much family members started to get worried and whatnot. Older I got though, especially last 3-4 years, just the smell of it makes me nauseous. Have not had a drink in little over 4 years. Don't know what happened exactly to make me feel that way. May have just out grown it, or drank so much it messed something up in my stomach, I don't know. But I'm glad it happened honestly because I was a very, very heavy drinker. Would drink whatever, beer, liquor, wine, cheap nasty wine/beer. Didn't matter as it was my main high light of the day.
  6. Sorry to hear. I also was diagnosed in 2017 with it. Nobody else in my family has it either. I got injured in 2012 really bad and can no longer work due to it. Can't stand for any longer than 5 mins or so, also can't sit down for long either because I will start to hurt real bad either way, sitting or standing. Only relief is getting in swimming pool and recliner chair gives some relief when legs are elevated. Anyway, I gained weight due to this since I can't exercise like I used to or walk very much at all for that matter. In any event I was lucky though because I'm only border line diabetic. I only have to take a Metformin pill with my biggest meal everyday. Thankful I don't need the shots/and or insulin. But take care of yourself and again, sorry to hear
  7. I would keep touch and sight. That way can feel that goodness when having relations with the wife, g/f, or your common street walking hooker. Keep sight so you can make sure that you are having those relations with someone at least half decent. Or to your liking I guess.
  8. Guess I could have added him in the "Bills players you have disliked" thread.
  9. Getting my 2nd dose on Thursday. Have had many people tell me the 2nd is worse than the 1st, however my wife's 1st shot put her down for 3 days, like bad. So we were expecting it to be a lot worse on her 2nd, or at the very least the same as the 1st. Surprising enough, the 2nd shot didn't bother her at all. Like not one bit. Besides the arm soreness that everyone has. So the 2nd one isn't worse for some. Everyone is different so will affect differently. With that being said, I will post my affects on Friday.
  10. Maybe, but I will say I feel a lot better about MT than Barkley if (god forbid and knock on wood) Allen is out for a game or 2. Actually feel A LOT better about it.
  11. That's kinda what I figured. I didn't read the article myself because it was one of those that I didn't really want to waste time on. But yes, that's a very small amount of fans. Likely a lot of them Bills fans that want that title lol.
  12. Not sure if they are the best but they are definitely one of the best. They are 100% the most improved for the last 3 yrs or so. I don't know very much about other teams FO besides the basics, like some names and whatnot. But can surely see how and why Bills FO/management is considered to be the best. They have had a few mishaps here and there, but what team doesn't? Really proud how the team is ran and the respect for one another. It's oh so refreshing compared to what it was for so many years.
  13. Dude I just had to deal with a tooth issue. OMG man, was so painful I couldn't think, stand at times. Was really the worst tooth ache I have ever experienced in my entire 41 years. Seriously, my eyes teared up at times and wanted to cry like a B word. And I hate going to dentist because had a bad experience when was a young boy and dentist I had liked to inflict pain, especially on kids. He ended up getting in trouble and whatnot. But anyways, due to that it has to be VERY serious and hurting to the point where I'm nearly about to pass out for me to go to a dentist lol
  14. I mean so did the Browns, Fins for a while, Raiders fans for sure with the crazies they got. Seriously don't think it's too much difference to make out of it. Fans of every team drink a lot. They drink more when their team is losing or having a losing season, or having a long drought( Bills/Browns). Also fans of teams drink a lot when their team wins a lot, gets to the playoffs, and you can believe they party like it's 1999 if their team wins Super Bowl. So yeah, I mean I just don't think one can definitely say for sure that all fans of one team drinks so much more than any other.
  15. Was exciting yes, but still I always had that "we just need a decent dammit QB" noise in my ear lol. Was awesome when they landed Mario that year, made it hopeful more. But as always for the longest time, did not get the most important QB
  16. Lol, I've been to a few road games as well. Can honestly say all the same to me. I definitely could not notice and say, "Meh, Bills fans drink way more than any other team". Still think the jumping through tables may have swayed this so called, "study" that is not important at all lol
  17. Kinda hard for me to think DS won't be a Bills this upcoming season. I mean he was a 3rd round pick and had a great year prior. I don't really count last season much due to the fact that all Bills RB's had a tough season. Not all on them either with bad blocking/scheme etc. Also Bills obviously didn't run very much at all last year. Hopefully all the RB's will have a big improvement this time around. In any event, I'd say I feel very confident he will be a Bill this year, also will say I think he ends up with similar numbers as he did the year before.
  18. Not sure I buy into that. Guess the jumping through tables might have helped a bit to come to that conclusion. Imo I think fans of every team likely drinks about the same as any other. So yeah, meh....
  19. I don't know if I can put those names in an order. I despise them all pretty much the same.
  20. Not sure if that's someones job to observe players online activity to a great extent or not. Either way if a player post certain comments, pics, etc that affects the team, others, or NFL in any negative way, it always will be seen and re-posted by someone anyways and everyone will know regardless. Who knows though, maybe teams do have a person dedicated to that specific thing now days. I wouldn't see the point though myself for reasons I just stated. That's just me though.
  21. Yes it is... especially when he's coming off the season he just had. Yeah that's the right word for it exactly. Relaxing instead of fun
  22. I could name a few coaches as well, but since thread is about which players, I'd have to say I can't think of many Bills players (if any at all) I dislike/disliked. I guess I'd have to say Incognito. Didn't dislike his play on the field or anything, just wasn't too thrilled with the off field issues. Other one off top of my head would be Fitz I guess. This one is kinda the other way around. A great, stand-up guy....but grew furious with his play at times. But again, I can't really say I "disliked" those players or any others off top of my head. Just frustrated at times more or less. Edit: Guess I can throw ol Nate Petermen in with those.
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