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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Lol, I'm surprised you gave that much generosity. Have seen many of times (I know you have also) with just 1 loss some start calling for firings, benchings etc.
  2. Not as much as you I assume since you wear flip flops all day everyday 😁
  3. That's great to hear. Really shows how much things have changed with Bills franchise and reflects even more the respect between staff and players on to the top with owners. I know we lost out on Watt and whatnot, but I have to believe if cap situation was better they possibly could have signed one or maybe 2 big time impact players.
  4. I don't consider all three as #1 WR's myself. Maybe lamb could be, Cooper I don't. But it's cool man, agree to disagree
  5. I'll have to disagree. They are good, but imo Bills, Bucs are better. Honestly I think Bills/Bucs are better by enough for me to not even question it.
  6. I think it comes down to Bills and Bucs. Bills are definitely anywhere from 1-3 imo though. But I'd probably give the edge to Bucs just because their TE's are better.
  7. Honestly can't think of many that signed from Carolina that improved though, besides Williams of course. Was very impressive at T. Other than that, unless I'm having a brain fart, I can't think of another former Panther that made an impact that much.
  8. I certainly hope he is better than Trent lol. Epenesa had a tough time early. He got better as season went on though. Very fast DE and hope he does well enough to get more snaps and hopefully takes over as starter. But I wouldn't go as far to say he looked like he didn't belong. He looked like a rookie that struggled early, but he did improve. Which is a good sign and what you'd want to see.
  9. Lol, another Panther.....who'd a thunk it?
  10. Lol, ok I misread title at 1st. Thought it said you didn't think Bills would repeat gettin to AFCCG. That I could get to a certain extent. Will definitely be a tough task. But repeat as division champs.... I know it may be more difficult and all, but I would bet the farm on it that Bills win the division again along with many others. Bills are the clear favorites hands down. I can easily see them winning AFCE title a whole lot better chance than getting back to the AFCCG. Some teams improve between seasons and some get worse. But Bills will basically have the same players/staff etc as they did at 13-3. Which last season Bills schedule was also considered by many to be a tough one.
  11. Agreed, he has really been a surprise as of late and clearly worked his ass off while making himself a weapon that teams have to be very aware of. Not sure how much time he got chance to work on that particular part of his game. But if he does turn out to be the main guy that's back there, I'd assume in that case he has also shown (to the coaches at least) that he also improved that part and is reliable enough they trust him.
  12. Yeah I'd assume his name will be in the hat for sure. I remember back then too when he returned kicks. They would bring up how fast he was and all that a lot. With as much improvement he has shown, hopefully that part of his game also improved.
  13. Yup this....Smoke had decent hands, but Sanders is damn near automatic all the time. Also runs routes just as good as Smoke, or maybe better possibly.
  14. Yup, why I mentioned earlier that it's not automatic he will be the one returning kicks, yet anyways...
  15. If you go by what the players and other WR's said about him last year, sounds like he was turning heads. But yeah, kinda got to see it in a live game though.
  16. Yeah that's true. Hyde is definitely reliable catching the kicks, however, I would hope he's not the one doing it. Just too important to the D. Personally I was in the camp that hoped they could figure a way to keep Roberts. But kinda knew it wasn't likely. But yeah, will be one of those things that will get ya worried at times no matter the replacement unless it's a player like you mentioned that's known for it. Will be interesting to see how the rest of the off season goes. Not 100% that McK will be doing it yet either. So will see.
  17. Exactly. Mine also. That's what I mean with him. No question he is fast and can break away. Just not sure how the ball security is with him as the returner. Also not written in stone that he will definitely play that role all the time.
  18. Yeah the D definitely had a part in it. Think the D made the biggest, noticeable improvement around the 2nd half of the season because they sure did struggle, a lot early on
  19. Yeah, loved smoke and what he done for the Bills and Allen. But honestly really excited to see Sanders with Diggs and Beasley. Those 3 alone have some of the best hands, if not the best in the league.
  20. No question he has definitely improved. But not sure about as a returner specifically. Hasn't really done it too much to tell really, unless he got a lot of reps in practice and whatnot that I'm not aware of. As a WR and pretty much all around player, yes absolutely an improvement. Just not sure about the KR-PR role yet.
  21. Yeah I remember the 3rd quarter issues. Could be a few things as to why they improved. Adjustments, as I'm sure coaches etc were also aware of the 3rd quarter issues. They got better all around as season went on also, so got more familiar with each other maybe. Anyway, if the run game improves like we all hope, every quarter will get better.
  22. This is why I don't know what to expect with him, as far as being a returner. Hope he has gotten a lot better since then. Not for certain he will take over as K/R-P/R though. Have to see what happens. Lot of off season left.
  23. Hmmm ok. Well I surely would want McK over those all day. No question.
  24. Getting mine tomorrow morning. Been told that they have all 3 vaccines available where I'm going. Wonder if you can request which you'd prefer? Guess I'll ask and see.
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