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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Meh, best CB got away with a lot. Also all the other obvious holding they got away with on the WR's that game. I mean I thought it was obvious how much they got away with that game.
  2. I think they will always be competitive as long as B.B is there with the defense. Just won't be the kind of "hard to defeat" team they were for so long. I doubt lightning strikes twice and they land another Brady.
  3. Lol, guy is amazing. It's clear why so many CB's get abused by him. So if other teams get lucky and get the right officials like Chiefs did, only way to contain him is to hold and trample him all game.
  4. Just to deposit my 2 cents here, I'm not going to say all Pats fans are like this because obviously they're not, but I have talked to many "Pats fans" that claimed to be die hard and live/breathe the Pats. However when talking to them many seemed to be clueless about the Pats before Bledsoe started making a name for himself. And a couple didn't know who Bledsoe was, but knew Brady for sure lol. In other words many of those "die hard fans" coincidentally became "die hard" after 2002.
  5. They could add those additional charges but most would get dropped anyway. Also with the way money talks he may even just get a mild wrist slap.
  6. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/chiefs/2021/04/12/britt-reid-charge-dwi-ariel-young-family-chiefs/7196474002/
  7. I agree. Was at a road game 10 yrs or so ago, Bills were losing to the point where made the decision to try an get out early since it was obviously over. Anyways, I remember seeing 2 fans of other team jumping off the top of their SUV onto the porta potties. Knocked a few over and you can guess the mess that made. Anyway, point is that was just 1 small particular part of that stadium lot this was going on. No telling how crazy it was in other areas. That's why I say I don't by Bills fans are the worst.
  8. Yeah me too.Haven't been able to go to Bills games in quite a while, but when I was going I went to many home and away games. Not proud to admit but I used to drink so much I had couple times I woke up in my drive way with little rock pebbles stuck to my face and someones yard 1 time lol. Can't stand the smell of it now, start to feel sick
  9. Yeah see I have been to some road games and people had to be dragged by someone since they were so passed out drunk. Literally dragged across asphalt. And lots of people do stupid things everywhere you go when plastered drunk. I will definitely say Bills fans have the best tailgates imo. I just think when Bills Mafia started getting media attention and all the jumping through tables attention, imo it gives the perception they drink the most and whatnot. Other fans do stupid, crazy ***** too, they just don't get media attention like Bills fans do. Bills fans are great and they can dance with the best of em. I just can't say they drink the most of all. Ijust don't think it's much difference to say for fact.
  10. I have many times. Imo the Bills fans getting all the media attention with the tables and stuff helps make it look like they drink the most.
  11. I guess they could, not sure how much more severe that is than the felony dui and facing a 7 yr bid. But that family wants him charged with everything possible.
  12. I think Tasker will eventually get in, imo. Edelman though I doubt. I don't know if the PED stuff will possibly be an issue that keeps him out or not. I'm not sure how many are in HOF that had PED issues, but it's probably some. Either way though, imo I don't think he gets in regardless of that.
  13. Yeah thought was Welker also, however it is really easy to get those 2 mixed up sometimes.
  14. Lol, I noticed that. Not sure if he misread or what, but speaking for myself I agree with your original post.
  15. Lol, guess because he wasn't important. Not important at all really and made no impact at all. So was fairly easy to forget
  16. He totally slipped my mind. Yeah think I could honestly say I didn't care for him too much. Just seemed very immature and yes also seemed like a cry baby at times. Just plain out wasn't anywhere near ready for the pros. I remember a segment back in the day (ESPN I think it was) that showed a coach trying to show him things on film and he had his feet propped up on the table not giving the 1st speckle of ***** lol
  17. Read an article that said the family of the little girl isn't happy with the felony dui charge he got and thought it wasn't enough. I'm not sure what else he could be chrged with though considering the circumstances. I mean nobody got killed (thankfully), so what else could he be charged with that would be more severe? I get why the family feels that way for sure but I think the charge he got was about the most he could get pinned with as far as I know.
  18. That makes sense, but wonder what it means for the ones who don't get any effects at all? Idk, probably means nothing and likely still works the same.
  19. And you didn't destroy everything in your path to get to that store? lol
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