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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. That poor guy got jacked up, BAD. He's all messed up now. One tough SOB though, that's for sure. He take those "boom shaka locka" type hits and bounce right back up.
  2. Yeah you're right. I guess I meant they did about as well as one could hope for when it mattered the most with Chiefs. The week before against Steelers, if I remember right Browns had that big lead right? Could have took the foot off the pedal in that particular game. Either way, throughout the season I agree they were inconsistent.
  3. JJ Watt? Well guess you can say it was possible he'd be a Bills. Many thought he was anyways,
  4. Maybe, but they did do fairly decent against the Chiefs playoff game. Hell of a lot better than Bills defense did against Chiefs anyway. Yeah really. It was just and impressive tackle/hit basically....
  5. Just got back home from getting the 2nd dose. Preparing myself and getting my mind ready for possibility of feeling like ***** next couple days. Hopefully won't be any worse than the 1st one. I hear many ppl say 2nd is worse than 1st, but not for everyone. Wife's 1st dose put her down hard for almost 3 days. Her 2nd she was fine other than shoulder/arm soreness. Fathers 2nd dose he was fine too, didn't even have arm soreness. So will see how goes.....Lol exciting!!!!
  6. I don't know. I'm curious to see how he does with Garrett and few good players around him.
  7. Anyone know anything about this? Or hear about this also? I swear I saw it somewhere. Was like at least a month or 2 ago. Would post it if could remember where the hell I saw it.
  8. Think he was being sarcastic.. least I think so anyway lol
  9. Maybe, but Ravens will be in that mix by all means also. Can't count them out of it for sure.
  10. Yeah, I will be curious to see how he does with Garrett and co. You're right, it could definitely make a difference with those better impact players around him. Seattle's D was just terrible from top to bottom, with the Texans he had a little better surrounding cast, but not as good as the Browns have. So that's a good point and will be keeping an eye on that. True but it's safe to say Steelers were not a good team last quarter of the season. Not sure what happened but was night and day difference from 1st like 12 games compared to the last few.
  11. I thought I read somewhere (don't remember where for sure) that all NFL players were to get vaccinated, or something to that effect.Or it might have been something that was being considered. I don't know if there's any truth to it or not, but I remember seeing something like that a while ago somewhere.
  12. I wonder if they think Clowney is the missing piece that will take them to a championship lol. Would be funny and yet not surprising with some of the crazy things Browns do.
  13. Yeah he wasn't impressive last season, but I don't know how much less they could have gotten him for. I'd think maybe 8mil at the lowest with the 1yr. If they over paid it may not have been but so much. Think Browns were in a better position cap wise than many teams anyway.
  14. I want to say it was the Fins. Not 100% sure though. But was definitely memorable. I chuckled pretty good watching that. I remember announcers said, "Diggs is just toying with them" Was great. Although the flossing after abusing the defense that other game was even better
  15. You may be right, but I have not had an issue with him so far. Also you may be right about just being another arrogant Pats fan. I don't know, I have come across many of them. Like more than any other teams fans. I don't know, maybe I cross paths with so many Pats fans because it's a division rival thing. But at same time it's not as bad with Jets and Fins fans as with the Pats ones. Maybe it's just me and the area I'm in (which is weird b/c I'm in NC). It's many bandwagon fans in the area. More Pats than you would think, well they used to be Pats fans. Lots have jumped on Tampa with Brady. Wonder what they will do when Brady finally decides to stop taking Super Power meds and retires? Probably hitch their wagon on Chiefs and PM.
  16. Oh sorry. Some were talking about Edelman for a bit a little earlier so figured you jumped in lol
  17. You think they keep him around this time? With MT and Fromm I'm not sure.
  18. I think it should be a factor imo. I believe Tasker will eventually one of these years make it in. I would think players that succeed to the point they are really good/great at multiple positions should be a factor in getting in HOF. As far as the Edelman discussion though, I'd say he did make an impact in playing more than 1 position, but the PED thing alone should/would be enough to keep him out imo
  19. How about those "real fans" that say, "My team used to be such an such.....now my team is the Patriots". Lol, have heard that way too many times over the years too. Also this one here...."I was hard core Pats fan til Brady left, now I like the Bucs". Lol, so those particular people were not Pats fans as they claimed, just Brady fans. Those 2 types are sole definition of bandwagon fans. Have you by chance were ever blessed enough to have the pleasure in speaking with those supposed "serious fans" lol?
  20. Yeah curious to see what went down to receive an ass whoopin like that Sometimes some people just need/deserve a good, solid ass whoopin though
  21. But this was a true panty dropper back in early 90's and still is today....skip ad first
  22. Yeah he must have pissed him off like really bad. Like an super enraging kinda of anger....wonder what Donald looks like. Lol prolly not a scratch
  23. I'm not a fan of U2 much, but really like the song "with or without you" from back in da day.
  24. I know this post isn't for me, but that's reason I said not all Pats fan are like that. Speaking for myself, I come across many Pats fans and when they see me in Bills gear it usually starts a conversation. I absolutely had a few that were really die hard and knew their stuff. Could name players from the 80's etc. But the ones that became fans after 2002 out numbered the real deal fans by far. Just kinda weird. Well, I didn't think I was acting in any sort of way. I am having a civil conversation. So I thought lol
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