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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Yeah this is where I'm at, especially the healthy part. I do however think Reich has a good chance to get more out of him than Philly did. With that said though, I still don't think he will be good enough.
  2. Yeah, those clips aren't much to go off of anyway. Just a taste, but either way at 6'7" I think that will be preached to him lol. That's same height as Mario I think. Give or take an inch.
  3. Well it's definitely coached up every where. I mean it's one of the most important things for a player on the Dline. Not sure how much different college coaches do compared to NFL, but I feel confident he will hear the words, " if you can't get there, get your hands up" quite often on Bills D.
  4. Yeah will depend on how Wentz does.... Frank R. may be able to get more out of him. Will be interesting to see how that plays out.
  5. Lol, hard not to. Dude is a monster! Close to Mario Williams size, maybe a bit bigger.
  6. Yeah really. Bills D had a very hard time trying to get to Rivers. Definitely have a very good OL there. Never been impressed with Fisher though, so not sure if he will be better than what they have.
  7. Yeah that division for sure had one of the easier schedules. Steelers just seemed like a shell of themselves after that 1st loss to Washington. Went straight down hill from there it seemed. So not sure if Steelers sitting their players made too much difference.
  8. Like his height too. I can foresee many passes getting batted or tipped and hopefully many of those will end up in the hands of the Defense. Look forward to seeing him in action.
  9. And would love to see it last 2 decades just to make it that much sweeter.
  10. Likely will be able to challenge about the same as last season I would guess. Unless their rookie QB at some point plays well enough to be the starter. Even then they will still be a run 1st team. IMO I see them about in the .500 range record wise.
  11. Yup agree. Very good point. I wonder if everyone gets vaccinated if they still will have to get tested all the time? Or maybe not quite as much?. Or maybe just the ones that choose not to be vaccinated only gets tested so much?
  12. Yeah I think so too. Curious how Baker does still though. Still don't see him doing quite enough myself. We'll see....
  13. I though that was @Virgil that did that thread? Actually I'm pretty sure it is. Unless the Bill poster also does one, which I've never noticed. But anyway, no big deal either way....just wanted to give Virgil his credit because he does post some interesting thoughts in those threads.
  14. I will always pick it up myself anyways. I'm one of those that just doesn't trust a stranger with mine and my families food to bring to my home. Also you don't know how nasty that persons vehicle may be and also I'm the type that doesn't want people knowing where I live. Just people are/can be so nasty etc you just never know. I'd rather not chance it.
  15. Lol, I actually tried that, not 4 times, but reused once and tea was all light colored and like drinking colored water basically. Tried it because didn't feel like going to store just for tea bags that I forgot on shopping trip the day before. So really didn't need anything at all besides tea bags. Anyways, lol at 4 times. There's no way Back in the day I have used picnic napkins for toilet paper a few times. I'm sure there's a few that has done that at one point another besides me.
  16. Yup, got to get there with the front 4 more often. When they blitzed it was effective at times. But the right QB will rip that apart. Hope the new blood can make some noise early.
  17. Yup and you can be sure other teams were paying attention. So need to address that for sure.
  18. I agree. They both are pretty leveled out. That's where Allen comes in though and I think gives Bills the edge.
  19. Right, actually totally forgot about that. That is a big reason a team will not perform well. Lol yeah really. That slipped my mind. Hell, some may have had the Jets picked due to that.
  20. I agree that was a game Browns should not have lost. But those kind of fluke win/losses happens sometimes.
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