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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Yeah I'm one of those that's not confident his return will make a whole lot of difference, at least not to the degree that some here do that I've seen. I mean I am hopeful and will be beyond a good thing if it does by all means. Definitely will be cheering for him and everyone else as always.... I think he will help some for sure, but just don't think it will be to the degree that some do
  2. I doubt it, I mean the Ertz talks started long before the Bease situation. EDIT: Just saw you said Ertz talks "heated back up". I misread, in that case it's possible I guess.Who knows....
  3. If that's the way it goes, I'd be perfectly fine with it myself. Although I don't see nothing happening with this regardless....
  4. Lol, you beat me to it. Don't see how the OP would consider those names as targets when they are no longer on the roster....lol,
  5. Lol, dangling the Z. Ertz candy again and pulling it away teasing. Yeah, I most certainly don't put any stock into this ever since the 1st thread. I pretty much just smh and "whatever" when I see anything regarding this. Believe it if/when it happens. Most definitely not expecting anything though myself.
  6. Don't make me waste this cialis....
  7. Looks very interesting. Love how it starts with the late great James Gandolfini speaking. Really looking forward to seeing this. Looks like another David Chase master piece....
  8. Well you said 2019.... which are you referring to? Now or 2019. You specifically said 2019 earlier, now you say he's "currently" not top 15
  9. You are right. Should have my ass kicked for TW slipping my mind. Definitely he is in that mix too. Mind mind was elsewhere and wasn't thinking of my own Bills team lol
  10. That doesn't mean he is best in the whole NFL. I would put him maybe 3rd behind Peterson, toss up between he and Ramsey 2019 season.
  11. P. Peterson. could argue Ramsey had better 2019 season. I'm not saying he isn't/wasn't good. He played well that season. Just saying I don't think he is/was the very best in the league as you stated.
  12. I disagree. He is a decent CB, but definitely not the best in the league imo.
  13. I suspect he won't be with the Pats this season. I think Pats likely will move on from him.
  14. Herbert did have a good season. Interested to see if he can play that well again. He was impressive for sure. He kinda surprised me. I think I'd take him over Murray also.
  15. Lol, I'm willing to give him a little more time before I'd consider him as much of a disappointment as McKelvin was......
  16. Agree. I think he went away from Fitz a little too early also. Yeah I think he is overrated also....
  17. Yeah he has been a little disappointing last couple years. Not sure how much the injury had an impact as far as last season goes, I'm sure it did to some degree. Anyways, he still is a very young player and will continue to learn. With that said, I think this upcoming season will tell a lot of the story with him. Imo if he is going to have that "break out" season, or just shows good improvement and makes a bigger impact, then this upcoming season is the time it should happen. So hope to see him become a better LB all around, decision making etc. I still have hope for him myself with all those things considered.
  18. Some do and some don't.....if you're one that doesn't, then it's fairly easy to pass over the thread.
  19. Billy Joe Hobert? Or maybe Kurt Schulz.....I feel like it is a white guy though for some reason lol
  20. Lol, same thing I said, don't get why he stated said player may not want it out and was their choice and whatnot.......when nobody has been outed at all. People can speculate to who it may be, but that means nothing.
  21. In regards to which player it is, it's still not "out there", due to the fact no name is mentioned. So that's not an issue.
  22. I don't know if it's just to draw attention so to speak, I think it's made a big deal to maybe help others that are scared to be themselves maybe? I don't know honestly, just a guess.
  23. Lol, yeah I was wondering too. Was thinking back to the 90's roster and trying to think of which one seemed to have that "vibe". But I got nothing.....they didn't get the attention back then like now, so hard to guess. Yeah I get it, but the reality is that it's a thing, and it's a lot more players than you would think I'd imagine.
  24. True, but just thought was interesting due to being the 90's. I mean I feel like it's accepted a lot more now compared to then. I would guess anyway.
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