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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. I mean I guess it's worth a try, have seen it done here and there on the news stations and I think ESPN before. Don't know how all that works and who you would need to contact about that type of thing. But if that's something one would be interesting in doing it would be worth a try. All they can say is no lol.
  2. Was nice to see McGregor show so much class as always.....🙄
  3. Just a hypothetical here.....if a popular player on your team ended up in a situation similar to Ray Rice or whatnot, or any kind of situation that was violent and someone got seriously injured etc. Yes I'm aware things need to be proved, but hypothetically speaking, the incident is pretty cut and dry. If able to return from a lengthy suspension,would you feel the same as you described earlier," just win and will tolerate it"?
  4. I don't know anything about him or his financial situation obviously, but I'd imagine being all the way across country west coast it is a lot more difficult to attend a Bills game than anywhere on east coast basically. I know I had a hell of a time just from Va Beach, and N.C. Thankfully I got the pleasure to attend a whopping total of 5 Bills games since my 1st in 2008. It can be very difficult to get up there unless of course you got fat pockets and a good amount of time off to do something like that.
  5. Where did the "Ralph is cheap" come from anyway? I mean was it something that a few fans started to say and it spread from there? I guess it had to be because Hard for me to think the any reporter from the media would say something like that.
  6. You will literally have the time of your life dude.... I remember my 1st trip and something I will never forget. I had been wanting so very bad to go to OP for many, many years. Finally got my chance in 2008....and when I found out my best friend (Bills fan too) got us both tickets, I was so excited I was shaking lol. The people and overall environment along with the epic time you will have, will actually have you considering ways you can move up there lol. Even knowing it would be virtually impossible, still will try and figure away. Was that way for me anyways..... Enjoy and post you 1st visit pics.....
  7. Yeah I remember hearing the "Ralph is cheap" stuff the most I think during the early drought time when he was still around back then. Not sure how much was his doing, or the GM's, or even R. Brandon (heard his name a lot) at that time. I guess all of em had a part in one way or other. Whatever the case, it was clearly a very poorly ran franchise for a good while.
  8. Lol, yeah but would it surprise you much if Ralph did say something like that? Or could you potentially see him possibly saying something like that?
  9. I get it to an extent and all when it comes to minor type stuff. But sometimes there's a line if it's something really bad. Just for example, I couldn't tolerate something like rape, beating women, extreme violence type scenarios etc if proven and just say "win", and look past it. I don't know, that's just me.
  10. As I became a big fan in the mid-late 80's, A part of RW legacy to me will always be the 4 Super Bowl appearances I guess, then kinda jjust went down hill from there. Always thankful for him though for everything he did with putting the team in Buffalo.
  11. I actually thought it was before the playoffs, last reg season game? I may be wrong, thought just about all the WR's were banged up pretty good going into the post season.
  12. Yeah had good grabs throughout last season. Couple in particular that was little more important were in the playoffs. Those tip-toe side line grabs were eye popping. Looks like Bills got a very good WR
  13. Lol that's perfectly fine. Realized that I wouldn't even want a relationship with a lady so insanely hot like that. Would have to worry about your friends and possibly even some family members trying to have a taste of that lol.
  14. Went through a few years when I was 18 and up to about 21 or so, I was scared of really hot ladies. You know the ones you come across once in a while that are super duper, smokin hot and so beautiful that you'd believe are flawless. Well scared talk to em, not scared of em literally. As I got older I no longer gave a *****
  15. The defense for every team struggled last season, especially early on. I guess it's chalked down to the circumstances as for likely being the reason for most part. But it did seem like a fair amount of teams did start to get a little better as it got to middle through towards the end. Bills D did improve some like a few others as it went on. I thought it was fairly noticeable myself. Especially when they started to blitz a lot more. They basically had to really since the DL was struggling and was only way to get pressure. As for the Colts and Chiefs playoff games, I agree they were bad. Gave Rivers and Colts every chance in the world to win it. Was frustrating. Hope to see a different D this time.
  16. Lol, sounds that way. Maybe have to get naked and body paint yourself the color of the cabinet and blend in, and just wait..........
  17. True, but regarding Tua, if one didn't know any better and going off the media talk, he was a top dog QB making all sorts of plays lol. Like other poster said though, it all counts just the same as it does for any other teams that played those same QB's
  18. 😐Sh*t!!!!......I aint NEVER scared!
  19. Gotcha!... I mean if Bills do get back to AFCCG and happen to win this time, we all will be going nuts to the point it may be a heath risk for some lol. But if it goes down like that, during that moment all of us will consider it a success
  20. I don't know if I'd say failure if they get to the Super Bowl and don't win. I would say disappointing I think but not a failure. If they don't make a deep playoff run like last season I would go with failure then. I really believe Bills can get back to the AFCCG though. Although some repeating playoff teams from last season (including Bills) will be tougher and depends how cards fall, still think they have a really good chance to get back that far. But if they are once again playing in the AFCCG and this time win to get to SuperBowl and end up losing.....I definitely wouldn't go as far to call the season a failure as I would disappointing. In any event though relatively speaking, all teams I guess would kinda consider it to be a failure if they don't get to/win a Championship. So I get it in those terms since a Championship is the main goal for all teams.
  21. I would say as far as my expectations are for this upcoming season, are fairly reasonable and likely very similar with most others..... After what they accomplished last year, I expect at least about the same. I expect a deep playoff run of course to hopefully another AFC Championship game appearance (long as team has no major injuries obviously). If that happens I think I will be a little more confident that this time they would be able to get over the hump and get to the Super Bowl. Then I would 100% go insane if they win it.
  22. Isn't it mind blowing the amount of knowledge Gene has about everything, including the gift he's been blessed with being able to know details of future events so well that he's able to pinpoint even the smallest things. Be glad and consider it a joy that he is willing to share all this info with you.......🤪
  23. For some reason I see Jones as being just another, or similar to AJ McCarron.
  24. Yup, been here since long, long ago........😳
  25. Every dog likes meat on his bone. Gotta keep em thick...wobble-de wobble
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