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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. I agree to a certain extent....he definitely didn't impress much. If I was also a Fins fan I too would be a little concerned, but being a rookie some struggles is expected and would want to see what he does next season. See if he at least shows some promise and improve some to the point that he proves he can lead a team and move the ball better. If still looks same most of next season I think then I would be a lot more worried.
  2. Damn that sucks. Hate that happened to you. It's a shame some ppl don't know how to act. I can understand the smack talk and all, I have dished out plenty in OP at opposing teams fans. But it was always in good faith and having fun and we all were laughing just having a good time. Even division rival fans it never got to that point. ( with me and ppl with me anyway). I know sometimes some ppl will be drunk and it can get ugly, but it's just sad that it would get to the point of violence to that degree.
  3. I see a few other people post this same thing, but if not a Bills fan that would be more familiar it's kinda expected. Allen had the worst WR core in Bills history imo and one of the worst I think I've ever seen in the whole league. Still he made some highlite plays, especially with his legs. But the surrounding cast he had in his rookie year played a major factor for sure. I would say Tua had quite a bit better to work with than Allen. Not saying Allen didn't struggle, it's expected as a rookie, but WR' and OL for sure didn't help.
  4. Got ya....yeah I didn't feel like looking up the actual numbers because it's not important enough to me lol. I remembered enough to where I didn't have to for the most part lol.
  5. ok, yeah I was more going off what I remember Trump saying that Pegula over paid a lot... but I must have been mistaken about the numbers then because I thought at the time back then they did pay a good amount more than what team was estimated at... August last year I get and agree will continue to go up. I was more talking about back then when it was going on.
  6. Yup for sure. Few years back I remember many of us fans, if not all of us were at least a little worried because it became a possibility Bills could get moved. I recall being in denial about it lol. But little piece of me knew that if the wrong person bought the team, it was very likely itwould happen. Also with other potential buyer (who we all are well aware of for obvious reasons) there was a chance there also. Even though at that time he saidhe wasn't moving the team.....LOL I knew damn well he was more likely lying than not. Next thing you know, Pegulas bust out with a big ol f**k you to both of em and made sure it didn't happen. The stars aligned for us back then and although I didn't know much about them then ( didn't even know they owned Sabres, I never liked hockey and out of state) but I really trusted them when they said Bills will always be in Buffalo. Especially the amount they offered that was so much more that other 2 just dropped out lol. I actually was surprised at how much they paid for the franchise myself. I got a chuckle though when the other 2 complained and keep saying they paid wayyyy too much (especially that one guy) LOL. Bon Jovi was never gona be the one to own this team anyway. I for sure felt confident about that, but also knew crazy things happen. Was little more concerned about Trump ( yeah ***** it, I will say his name, also it's not political for me to say I have NEVER liked him since long, long ago)...anyways, glad it worked the way it did
  7. I can agree with that. And hopefully at least one will be a little more than a solid starter. I could live with that if turns out that way in long run. Of course would be great if they can surprise and be a lot more than solid play makers.
  8. It was "OK" to me. Did have an interesting story line and all with time travel and future war etc. Just thought some scenes were poorly done and a few of the actors wasn't that good (Not Pratt really), just overall some scenes and actors could have been better. So was just "meh"to me. Was worth watching I guess, the story, or "plot" I guess you could say, is what made it interesting enough to me. Anyway, my 2 cents.
  9. That's for true.....exactly reason I was smh wondering how you didn't know what a brisket was lol. I didn't know you were being sarcastic or whatnot, my psychic abilities are not working today for some reason.... lol
  10. Lol, yeah I was thinking to myself, how the ***** this dude don't know what a brisket is.....lol
  11. Yeah I have never had the pleasure of going there. Although the ones I know and spoke with said the same. That when at Lambeau their fans were really nice and many of those Packers fans like the Bills and whatnot. Still though somewhere there will be that select few that gives a hard time. Maybe a whole lot better at Lambeau (for Bills fans)....I guarantee though if fans of a division rival go to Lambeau, no way in hell they get the same treatment as Bills fans lol
  12. Yeah that's great when it happens. I mean always some where in that stadium it's happening. Sometimes you get lucky and get in a section with solid people. There's always that other section or sections that have the ones that do that type of stuff.
  13. Just wanted to mention regarding the bold.....When we originally filed Jan 27th, think was the following week we got message it was approved. The amount we were approved for differed from the amount we got recently. We received about $1,000 more than what it said back in Feb when approved. So not sure if that's the same as you're talking about or not, but have no idea why we got that amount extra besides maybe because they delay was so long? No other reason we can think of at all. Anyways....was just curious if recovery rebate credit you spoke of is why?
  14. It will be like any other road stadium game. Their fans will talk ***** to you and give you a hard time. Hopefully though you will get the ones that are just having a good time doing it and will be nothing personal etc. There are many that get too aggressive though and pick fights etc which I'm sure you're aware of. Smack talk happens at every game that's hosting a road team. Just a couple teams fans are worse than many. Have fun and be safe.
  15. I've never had it before. Wifey and I talk about trying it, but never end up doing it. Iv'e been told it's really good, but idk.....
  16. From what I understand or have been told at least, it's a favorite main dish among the Jewish community the most.....
  17. Yeah that's the talk. Also the INT he got off Josh and took it for a TD I believe? I'm pretty excited to see for myself.
  18. Sometimes you have to brush @Chandler#81off, he means well, but when his depends gets full and the home health nurse is gone for the day he gets snippy and acts out. So try not to take it personally.... 😃
  19. Well I really don't expect either of them to come out the gate tearing it up their rookie years. Just would like to see them show some promise and make enough plays here and there when on the field to help the D. If that happens they can build off that going forward as they learn and improve the following season and so forth. So will be interesting to see how it goes down.
  20. I don't see why not, especially if team stays healthy for the most part along with the extra game that will add at least some points. If not then I think it will be close either way.
  21. I saw more of a defense and ST that lead them to those wins, despite Tua. But I also am aware he was a rookie and obviously can improve. So time will tell.
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