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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. I actually recall seeing a poster say that on here a while back. Don't remember who it was and don't know if you heard it from on here or not, but I saw that too. I'm sure it does factor in some degree, not sure how much Ah, you went with the clean radio version lol
  2. The pre-snap motion with Knox/Kincaid shifting to empty backfield to draw with Knox is interesting. All this certainly shows that Dorsey is clearly trying to be more creative and testing out new ideas. That's great to see
  3. The pre snap motion is welcoming to hear. Didn't see that last season, eager to see how Dorsey does in his 2nd year
  4. He will have his opportunities obviously, but not sure what percentage it may be. Might be a bit less than what some may think, at least starting off since I'd expect he will get worked in a little slowly. Also it's possible Shakir might make a run too and play a factor. So will be interesting seeing how many of these things play out leading up to the start of the season
  5. Yeah it certainly can, if you also have someone that can be creative enough game planning and the play calls to get the results
  6. I'm not sure defenses know what they'd rather deal with right now.
  7. Lol, I don't know how many or if anyone here has actually ever had the pleasure to experience "blue balls" in their life at one point or other..... But I'd just assume to have a swift kick in the balls rather than go through that ***** again. The pain might end quicker
  8. Yeah not bad. Hope the new comers will be better pass protecting picking up blitzes when they have to a little better than DS was. Not saying he was awful but could've used improvement
  9. Yeah I agree...it's been quite a while since AFCE was considered to be a strong, competitive division throughout. So much possible things can play out that can happen, but you're right it definitely seems that way on paper. Really would be extra helpful if we can stay much more healthier this season.
  10. Off the grid obviously. Unfortunately for law enforcement he is one of those escapees that's smart along with having expert survivor skills.
  11. Ah well ya got me there... Damn I must be too much old school because I was thinking a camera film type picture and never crossed my mind about phone Lol
  12. Why he gona be looking at pic with the lights off? Unless he can turn into an owl or is secretly a bat he might not see much with lights off in the dark
  13. Back in the day I had a roommate and this mother ***** got muscular and looked in shape eating nothing but take-out type fast food etc and his plates had so much that food was falling off the sides or about to fall over. Pissed me off lol
  14. How about those that eat nothing but that type of fast food ***** and never gain any weight. Hate those ppl
  15. First I don't see why some ppl (not talking about you) can't let the Josh/Diggs thing go. Whatever it was it's been over with a while ago. Anyways, I agree they are just fine as they have always been. I think some want to try to find something that's not there and end up creating their own.
  16. I can't tell for sure if the fragrance you speak of is pleasant or bad....
  17. And they still might...maybe it's a waiting game for the time being. Or maybe also could be they want to see if something stands out at TC. I don't think that decision has been made yet to go with what they have
  18. Somewhere in another dimension or multiverse, Tyrod is still holding on to the ball while everyone screams to the top of their lungs for him to throw the fu*king ball!! It's inevitable
  19. Idk....I kinda lean more to what @BADOLBILZ mentioned few posts up....In that they did think that going into last season and had much confidence in Gabe that he was ready so was easy decision to give him much more playing time and definitely seemed the chance would be pretty damn good for him to be a good #2 Now I'm not so sure they feel that same way. They know now he didn't quite turn out how they thought Edit: Just to add, I don't think anyone can say it was bad decision etc. We all thought the same way, if not you're likely lying.
  20. Idk, back then at the time it was big win, but I think some still feel it was more than it actually was. I think that game may have seemed much bigger than it was because of the state of the franchise at the time. Fans emotional and desperate for something and the basically guaranteed loss to the Pats year after year. So was so much emotion then (and rightfully so) along with how it happened coming from 21pts down, it was special...but at the end of the day it was a week 3 win
  21. Agreed, pretty much everyone gets that bit of, guess you'd call it "extra excitement" when Josh takes off because he does amazing things. I fully agree about the designed runs though, definitely need to cut back. And adding to your statement in bold, that's correct and it probably goes without saying here, but also the Oline protection (or lack thereof ) along with that being the 2 main issues.
  22. Won't surprise me if one day we see a thread pop up "When will Tyrod be brought out for a Bills legend of the game"
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