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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Yeah was a silly rumor at that. As far as San Antonio, I remember seeing that mentioned as to be more believable than Austin. Austin was just laughable to me. I would have called BS on San Antonio also. Although not quite as complete non sense as Austin, it's not far off. You think of all the Cowboy fans which I think out numbers Texan fans that majority of population are die hard Cowboys, you know as they say "Americas Team" lol. That alone makes it hard to believe...add in the fact that Austin officials had no clue and knew absolutely nothing at all about it.
  2. For me, the 1st almost 10 yrs or so ( I believe) I always had hope and tricked myself into expectations that deep inside knew time after time would once again be disappointment. After that 10th consecutive losing season, I only expected more failure. At least until ( hate to admit this) Rex was hired. Unfortunately I got some of that hope back due to that hire, however only hoped to make the playoffs. I mean I knew it definitely was not or going to be a Champion Ship team. Then after much of the same, I was at my peek and didn't spend a penny on any Bills merch or anything at all for 3 years, might have been 4. Trust me when I say that is a big deal for me as I have always spent a lot of $ and would spend it very often on this team. More than I ever should have for sure. But then....hope and excitement once again, after so many years came back the 2019 season. The 1st couple of games I knew there was something there watching Josh finally get some WR help and improve. I felt more confident than ever (since Kelly) that we may have finally found a franchise QB.
  3. Agree. Didn't like Rex, but liked his truck. I remember he was selling it and I would assume the chances are very good that a Bills fan bought it lol
  4. Never went to any myself. I went to many different high schools, some due to moving a few times and some due to getting into trouble and doing dumb ***** to the point I was kicked out of a few. The friends I did happen to make the little time I was in each school I lost touch long ago and have no clue if they are even alive still. Although the very last High school I attended that finally graduated from was my favorite. It was in V.A Beach and my goodness I have a blast there. So many jaw dropping girls I was chasing which was all that was on my mind then. If I ever did attend one, it would for sure be for that Va Beach HS. Have never been told or heard of a reunion being held from anyone from that time, if they even had one at all.
  5. Well that explains it...... He is the sole reason for Allen having an "off" day.
  6. It was reported he did very well yesterday I believe....
  7. Could have. I feel like they may try defending Josh different ways similar to the way they would PM maybe? Or he just had one of those off days. Anyways, nice to hear running game looked good.
  8. Yeah if it came down to that and he would agree to that type of thing maybe. If the other players happen to possibly out play him some it could get interesting. In any event, Hughes is just now back today for 1st camp I believe. Hope he does well and is healthy.
  9. You're probably not far off on that. Guess it depends on how all the issues and the many things this type of process takes gets sorted out and how quick or slow things can move. With 2030 being 9 years away and also probably won't even get started good for couple years, you may be pretty close.
  10. Everyone has a off day once in a while. Josh had one today as well as some others across the league did also I'm sure. He likely will once again burn it up next practice.
  11. Yup, excited to see how the depth will play out and getting a look at the rookies. Especially the 2 Dline rookies, will be watching S.Brown close also with Oline.
  12. Exactly.... Knew it was 100% B.S when Austin was mentioned. I mean it's possible that some teams could be moved at some point or other, but Bills are not any time soon, likely at all imo. But yeah, When first seeing that with Austin mentioned, I shook my head and said to myself, "wonder how many will bite on this nonsense" lol
  13. It could be Hughes last season with Bills depending how things go with pass rush and whatnot. I guess it's possible....
  14. Best was moving on from Rex. Wonder who ended up buying that truck with Bills detail he was selling back then? I will say that was a pretty cool damn truck
  15. Great to hear those comments from MT. Hear those type of similar comments from a few players pretty frequently for a little while now. Says a lot about the coaches/FO etc and the environment in general. Very encouraging and is/will be a factor that plays a part in signing other players.
  16. I never bought any of that ***** anyway myself. I knew it was complete and total B.S from the very beginning. Although I'm sure some may have gotten shaken up about it.
  17. I think about how fun it was when I had a good looking girl joining me in the shower a long time ago and wanting the company again. Then I come to reality about how long ago it was and how old I am and realize I wouldn't want to embarrass myself now lol.
  18. Good, with Espensa appearing to emerge and Obada along with a couple others I feel like pass rush and Dline in general will hopefully be a lot better.
  19. Just an fyi since I only noticed yesterday, in regards to Bills preseason games on NFLN.....I didn't think I'd be able to watch since I have Hulu, however Hulu now has NFLN and actually a few other channels that were not available before. Anyways, in case others also have Hulu and aren't aware I just thought I'd bring it to your attention.
  20. Should be in for a treat. All the crazy stuff that's been going on will make many awesome episodes. Look forward to it.
  21. The little info we do know and have read from TC threads and those that attended other day, which player do you think is having a very good or the best camp so far?? I guess I'd say AJ Espensa has been doing well it seems. Who else do you think has been standing out that could create some tough decisions moving forward?
  22. It could be more exciting and whatnot this preseason than those in the past with the expectations and extra excitement about the team. I don't know, but sure looked like a whole lot of ppl were at that practice.
  23. I believe they wanted Roberts to run as often as possible I'm sure being he was one of the best K/R in the league and was dangerous. That said, I'm not sure he was supposed to on a few of those deep in the EZ. I recall about 2 or so (which isn't many at all) that he had no business running out. I think one time he was about to kneel and decided to just go for it. Although there were also a few times he did run it out from deep in the EZ and got the offense in good field position. He did get more positive field position than not though, therefor I didn't mind and kinda wanted him to run it out majority of the time. But there were a couple times where you know it's a bad idea to run it out and those are the ones I'm talking about. But like I said, it was very few I recall so not really a big deal. Basically just saying I'm not sure he was "supposed" to run it out all the time. Yeah and very, very doubtful he beats out McKenzie. Imo McKenzie is a lock to make it without question
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