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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Even so, still have to wonder if they are strongly considering an extra option with the injury history. If I was to bet, I would feel very confident putting my $$ on he will get injured again and probably early in season.
  2. Doubt they would get much in a trade, but guess it's a possibility. Probably be cut more likely. Depends how everything plays out. Never know really.
  3. That's good news. Think it was couple days ago I read a report Ford was struggling. So that's nice to hear.
  4. Agree. He made a pretty big improvement when he got some much needed help that year. But he was no where near "bad" for sure.
  5. Glad to see McD not putting many of the starters out there Friday. I agree 100% Yup. Think Ford has been struggling so far from what it sounds like. Not sure if Boettger has been a little better or not. But hope Ford gets it together soon.
  6. Ok gotcha....see I on the other hand think they keep 4 RBs this time. Just hard to pin point who gets the short end of the stick if they do. I think one of the DL players will go, maybe Butler?
  7. Yeah he was like that about Josh for a while there.
  8. As far as a trade goes, I don't see getting much of anything for those names really. Maybe a 6th or 7th for Zimmer? Though in that case I'd prefer to just keep him if possible.
  9. How many thinks Duke Williams will NOT be kept on PS this time around? I think it may be a solid chance the legend of Duke may officially come to an end soon.
  10. Agree. I think one will go for sure. imo probably be between Addison, Butler, and Zimmer.
  11. Yeah me either. And it's just not that important for me to look up at this very moment lol. Either way, will see soon enough how it stacks up.
  12. Does Brieda play much ST? Honestly haven't checked. If so then I agree Yeah you're probably correct. I was thinking if the vets are clearly out playing one of the rookies in that scenario. But doubt that happens, so it's more likely Butler or Addison would be let go to keep rookies on.
  13. Unless that 4th RB makes a good impact on ST. Then could be active. I don't know, just guesses for all of us. Will be interesting to see how it goes.
  14. imo the rookie that looks most impressive makes it and other may go to PS. I think Obada makes the 53 also. I feel confident saying he is a lock.
  15. I agree. Will need another RB getting through camp, also think they keep a 4th RB on the final roster.
  16. Just curious, with your prediction regarding the RB's and FB.....do you see them keeping Gilliam over a 4th RB that can play ST? I agree with you about Gilliam and the FB position. I just think they keep 4 RB's and I'm looking at your list to try and see who would be replaced for that 4th RB. And going by your list I think it could be Gilliam. Either way, will be a few tough decisions to be made for sure, which is a good thing.
  17. Can see just about all of your prediction having a good chance to be right. Only part I would mention is RB. I think they keep 4 RB's instead of 3. A lot of the 53 are obvious, or at least to me anyways. There's like.....only a few positions that I would consider up in the air. Can't wait to see how plays out.
  18. Thing is he will have many learning experiences just being a rookie alone, which is expected. Just saying that as for me anyway, I feel no more or less confidence in him just because of a tough day. If reports are true, he has had much more good days than bad.
  19. 1 team in NY. What's hard to see it for me is I think the fan base for Cowboys are larger than the Florida and Cali teams fan base. Probably whole lot more, along with just Texas itself. I mean basically majority of Texas are Cowboys fans. More than Texans I'd assume. Just done see another team if moved to Texas having the fan base needed. Even then if that scenario happened, I don't see another team in Texas. Doubt enough Cowboy fans would jump ship. Some probably. Just don't see it in Texas.
  20. While I have not attended, I'd just like to add that there have been some good reports about him. I certainly believe what you're saying, however I'd like to think there is some truth to some of those good reports. That said he is a rookie coming off sitting out last year so one would kinda expect him need some work. I certainly didn't expect him to come out blazing of course. I do feel encouraged about him from what little I have seen.
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