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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Yeah I'm aware. That's why I mentioned him since he basically is only one I can think of. Although he got on PS for a short time, main point is that wrestling apparently didn't translate that well for him I'd assume.
  2. I get it....I was just curious if you knew of any wrestlers that made it in the NFL since you stated wrestling translates well to NFL. Just thought that if it translated so well like that, then who are the ones that did. You'd think there would be a few if it did translate that well.
  3. Yup, just not worth the risk at all. I mean I guess if my QB were to get hurt I'd rather it be in a meaningful game
  4. Saw article he gets an 80oz coffee every single morning on way to office. Seems like an unhealthy amount lol
  5. Brock Lesnar didn't translate too well. Who did? Not being smartass or anything, honestly don't know
  6. Is he the starter for Washington this year? N/m I will stop being lazy and look it up Edit: Looks like he is for now anyway.
  7. Yeah you're right, Frank Reich totally slipped my mind and so did Kyle W. I actually did and still do think Kyle could be a good coach. Some of those speeches he gave that were on video would give you goose bumps Oh, well they wouldn't be the 1st I would have said. Just don't see either of them coaching. Kiko Alonzo now is a different story 😐
  8. Lol, that crossed my mind 1st time I saw it posted. Wondering why does poster who I assume is a Bills fan, give a sprinkle of mouse ***** about this ? I just didn't bother to question and moved on
  9. Yeah unless that wrestler has played a lot of football also in like college or whatever, guess only thing he'd be good at is tackling or taking ppl down maybe? Would never make a team anyway. I can't think of any Bills that are retired that I would say would be a good coach really lol. Lorax maybe
  10. Hot as ***** in whole lot of places. So bad in my area with heat plus humidity. Heat advisory for 3rd day in a row. Took dog out and is difficult to take a breath. Was like I was having a damn asthma attack and I don't have asthma
  11. Neither. Water almost all the time. Hot summer I do gatorade sometimes. And once in a while tea.
  12. Brady looks like a happy crack head that took his 1st toke of the day in that pic.
  13. Lions coach Campbell swallows down a drum of coffee everyday so might get to see him spaz out
  14. Yeah almost all of us fans were fooled lol. Snake oil was mentioned very often
  15. Yeah I get it. I'm just saying I'm not big on taking either that early. Unless it's a clear cut type scenario and was a for example, Jason Peters type Tackle. Otherwise 3rd round is a little better. Not sure about the % of LT or RT that are selected in round 1 turn out to be a good pick, but seems like more don't pan out that do. It all would depend on circumstances and all that sometimes you just have to take that chance I guess.
  16. That's the thing, conflicting reports.....I don't remember who said exactly, but it was in one of the TC threads that said he was struggling, or it may have meant for that particular day maybe? I'm not quite sure, but remember reading it. Then a different one says otherwise. Anyways, doesn't really matter much in regards to Knox since it's clear what he struggles with. Whatever the case hopefully he has worked on it and improves.
  17. True, guess I wasn't really thinking that far back. But either way it still is very few.
  18. If he doesn't, he will be the only one from college to pros that succeeded off top of my mind. Well execpt maybe Chip Kelly if you consider that success.
  19. I haven't noticed that myself. Then again I don't pay much attention to stuff about Tom Brady
  20. Lol, guess it depends on how blessed you are in that area
  21. Yeah that would be more than a surprise, it would be a shock imo. When thinking who gets released, even a "surprise "release...Sanders isn't even a maybe imo.
  22. Tried that bro....it made absolutely no difference at all smh. Just gettin old man... Dude I saw at gas station I haven't seen in a while asked says, "hey bro, how they hanging?".....I respond, "Twice the length of my penis now, thanks for askin"
  23. If your QB is left handed though RT may be a little more important with blind side protection
  24. " This defense was 4th in the league last year.....well it's gona be #1 this year, this mic on?....Cuz it's bout to be" Lol The great unforgettable Rex quote that still stays in the corner of your mind
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