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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Yeah I mean it's expected rookie QBs will struggle some. I know drop passes are going to happen, but that year it was beyond too many. Like I said most in the league. Most dropped passes I think I've ever seen by Bills WRs and was the worst WR group I think Bills ever had.
  2. While that may be true, was not nearly as long as the Bills. What like 10 years compared to 19 or 20? lol
  3. Lol yeah will be entertaining to see how he handles it when they have bad plays and tough losses.
  4. His numbers would have been better if not for WR's having the most drops in the league that season. Never know how much better, but definitely better.
  5. Just wanted to add, I can't begin to remember the numerous times I would call to see about different discounts not only for ST, but also other different things only to be told, "that is only for new subscribers". Anyways, maybe they are better now idk
  6. So with the thread title, is that what you thought of in the shower?
  7. Well maybe they are or have recently changed the way they do things. Which might have a little to do with trying to get more/new customers. Because they were frustrating for a while.
  8. Same as everyone that are out of town, NFLN. I mean that's only channel it's on right?
  9. Yeah really. You'd think it might be some sort of global warming that possibly may play a slight factor....
  10. No wasn't my approach or anything. Always respectful because you're not going to get anything being an a-hole. Was the same with many family members, friends, and just people I talked to at work that had DTV. Also I have seen many post on this board ppl not happy with DTV. At that time they were always about the new customers and not existing ones.
  11. I know lol. Just noticed the time you posted it was 7 a.m. 100% agree to sit Allen and a few others no question. Would rather they sit all preseason myself
  12. For me, I lay down by 10 and get up at 6am. Between those 8 hrs I wake up and have to go 5 times. 6 if adding getting up for good at 6 a.m Every hr and half to 2 hrs. Every single dammit night
  13. While they did have some "misinterpretation of the rules" as BB said a few times lol,.....They were clearly a very good team for a long time even though I hate to admit it.
  14. I'm basing it off of the 10 years I had DTV if you want to call that "squeaky wheels". Also if you have gotten ST last 2 years free, you sir are one of the lucky ones. Because it is rare since AT&T took over. I canceled in 2018
  15. Ppl are fed up with DTV and they are losing customers. Always has been new customers get ST, HBO free, and 6 month discount. The existing customers that have been with them for years don't get anything. Only way you could get anything was to call and threaten to cancel. Now I hear from many that customer service reps treat ppl like crap and nasty.
  16. Yeah man, it stated that some ppl were getting concerned about his heath and all because he drinks so much of it. Don't know if you or anyone else may have came across it, but I will try and find it to post
  17. Yes and I do have that. But found out about that 4 years ago. The frequent pissing started about a year or 2 after. I just chalked it up to getting old. Also still have not gathered up enough courage to get the prostate checked. I know it needs to be done, or should have already been done. I just can't get to the point to say "alright ***** it...lets get it over with" lol Anyway, was thinking that could be the reason for the 4 to 5 times a night to piss
  18. Yup. I wouldn't play any of the main guys that you already know what they bring. Only the ones that are competing for positions and ones that need to see more of. And obviously rookies.
  19. Yeah I mean wrestling can help to some degree sure...But I don't think it does like the poster I quoted implied by any means. Got to have that football skill, knowledge, speed etc more than anything. Maybe I got the wrong impression from other poster
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