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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. I think it is considered to some extent. Probably not much when it comes to top draft pics, but could be more for later round pics. Which would maybe depend on the circumstances how much it may determine decisions on particular player that is picked. Honestly I don't know if it does or not, but I would think it at least plays some type of factor. I mean if not then what's the point of them even taking the test then?
  2. Would love to and will at some point. Hopefully sooner than later. Haven't been able to attend a game since 2008. Just hasn't worked out for me to do so unfortunately. I admit though I could have 2 times since then if I really had wanted to go, however at that time I had taken all I could with the sorry Bills teams every single year and at that point I was in no way spending any $$ to see that ***** lol
  3. May be a tough decision with DE. I think at least 1 is released. Obada has looked good in TC at times but has he shown enough to stay?
  4. Lol, was sad situation when you could say , "Thunder Foot Moorman is best Punter in the league also good and fast enough he could take a fake punt for a score" And then Sean Taylor made him look like the Punter he was
  5. Oh ok. I thought you meant you were canceling DTV all for good. My bad. I don't remember them doing these offers like this last year/season. They seem to be throwing free ST to almost everyone this year.
  6. Lol, yeah really. Spouse would also need a different social security #
  7. That's what I was thinking. Although I don't know a lot about those WR's, I know enough that if they are an improvement to their WR's, it's not by much. Tough for a young QB with not much help surrounding. Saw what Allen had to work with and was unwatchable. Don't think this Jets group of WR's will be as bad as what Allen had his rookie year, but expect a bad offense that obviously will try to run the ball a whole lot. Honestly will be surprised if they win more than 6 games
  8. So did you decide to stay with them for now due to that offer? I know you said you were canceling up thread. So did that make you reconsider?
  9. Ok, well honestly don't know much about Davis and Cole, or Moore for that matter. Probably is an improvement to WR's, but how much? That remains to be seen and the impact those WR's make will depend how Wilson does also. Better hope he and those WR's get on same page fairly quick because it's ugly for now. Adding rookie struggles he is more than likely to have, not sure how much difference those new WR's can make. I don't see Wilson having a rookie year like Herbert.
  10. Yeah think so too. I think more would agree with that than not. Some may say Lamar Jackson, but I think more would go Allen that Lamar
  11. Also I'm not 100% sure if they have many of the same WR's and whatnot on offense, but last year if not mistaken they had like 1 decent WR and don't remember the TE. But if that area isn't all that different then Wilson will have an even tougher time
  12. Yeah I'm aware he has other things and whatnot. Anyway I must say everything Kim does handle and the way she seems to handle it all, she's is and has been doing a hell of a job. Also seems to be involved with the community as well. Really like her myself
  13. Oh may bad. I highly doubt the team felt that way.
  14. You do see and hear Kim being involved with many things regarding Bills. Don't hear Terry's name like that. Does kinda seem like she runs the show.
  15. Well, the majority felt that way for the AFCCG. I recall a thread was posted of Chiefs fans discussion from one of their boards. It certainly seemed that was how they felt. There was a couple lightly sprinkled in that respected the Bills, but was very few.
  16. Here in N.C there are some here and there I come across. I did end up meeting @Juice_32 early this year and found out we only live 20 mins from each other. Was pretty cool to actually meet a fellow board member in person. First one for me...
  17. Have seen a good few posts like this. They for sure are making changes from how they were. Which is good and glad for those of you that are getting it free and other discounts etc. I suspect they're changing their tune due to other ways to watch games now instead of DTV Sunday Ticket being the one and only option.
  18. Agree with Scott here. I think Chargers have a good season, long as Herbert keeps his level of play and barring many severe injuries. Highly doubt they challenge for division though, however they may not be far behind, but not close enough and will be 2-4 games behind I think Chiefs wrap up that division pretty easily.
  19. Lol that offense is going to be a mess. I looked at the QB depth they have and oh my damn it's laughable.
  20. Yup, it's a good feeling. No longer basically expecting an INT or Incomplete pass like in the past before Allen. Actually I expect completions most of the time and try to predict which WR will make the grab for the 1st down. Very fun offense to watch and beyond excited for the season to start
  21. Honestly imo at this point for him, I don't think it matters which coaching staff and how much better said staff can develop young QBs. I think he just isn't good and doesn't have anything to offer. A different/better situation than what happened would have helped him for sure. I just don't think it would have made a whole heck of a lot of difference. I think he still would not be a starter if things were different. I was never high on him like many were in the first place, but to me he is just another one of those that looked decent in college that can't compete in the pros.
  22. Not taking anything away from James by any means, just want to mention he was in one of the best passing offenses ever. That certainly helps a RB when Defenses are always more concentrated on passing. He did get many yards when he did get opportunities because they passed a lot more than ran.
  23. Yeah, it's good and bad at same time. Good for having evidence and stuff like that, but more times than not many are recording for entertainment purposes and all that BS.
  24. I assume all you could do is alert a security guy and that depends if there is one close enough by. Although I will say there is far too often times when things like this happen that too many record on their phone instead of at least calling the police etc. It's a shame there's so many like that. In this particular instance though, a person would be limited with what could be done.
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