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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Yes you have. It's just not important enough to remember
  2. How about the ones that claim they are big fans of a team and a conversation starts, only to realize they know next to nothing about the team they claim to be a huge fan of, or football in general? Lol Have had the pleasure to speak very briefly with a good handful of those. All of a sudden they say to you, " How you think Tyrod gona do for yall this year"? Honestly thinks Tyrod is still Bills QB and it's been 5 years lol
  3. I don't know man. I think they will be as bad as I'm expecting. Possibly could end up being worse than I think they will be. As far as their coach goes, time will tell how he does. I think their defense might be half decent, maybe. I just don't see the offense putting up many points at all myself. Even if their defense plays great, only so far that will get you.
  4. Honestly can say I have never came across an "average" Bills fan. But I have came across quite a few that were fans of other teams.
  5. I agree. They are a good candidate to have #1 pick imo
  6. yeah but he did manage to play a game here and there and caught a TD pass. Seems like Sweeney is hurt more than Kroft was idk
  7. smh, seems like guy stays injured.
  8. She gots dat hot fiah mane. Dat blue flame heat mane. You gots to keep dat thing on da chain wax
  9. Obviously. I never said or implied they were that bad. I was simply saying imo, I don't see them being much better than the WR's they had last season.
  10. There are no average Bills fans. They are all die hard lol
  11. I'm on the fence. Maybe at some point. Wouldn't have thought it would be this soon though.
  12. Well the next week after Fins was playoffs so it's expected to be tougher games. Also it's not too often a team will drop a 50 burger like they did to Miami on another team in a playoff game. Also was 1st home playoff game in forever, so could possibly have felt more pressure than normal. I do agree though there were questionable play calls etc a few times it seemed. In any event I feel they will be even better than last season on offense and defense. I get a feeling this may very well be our year and believe they have a better chance than last season to get to the Super Bowl this time.
  13. True but if pass rush improves enough there's a chance that CB won't be such a weak link also. I mean Tre struggled last season at times and lack of pass rush played a part in it.
  14. To be honest though, I'm actually not all that concerned. I mean we all know McD and CBs. I know it's been stated many times McD can never have too many CB's, And he's pretty good at finding good ones too.
  15. Good point. That most certainly could make a difference. I was thinking they may end up needing one due to injuries myself and not about the level of play. Because there will be injuries. Always is with the CB's. Just hope it's not to multiple players at same time and nothing severe. If we happen to be without 2 different CBs starters or not, could get really thin and tricky. Add in the risk of any of them filling in at the time also going down.
  16. Just wanted to add, although I'm not as familiar with those 2 signings of Davis and Cole as much as I am with many other players, but the little I do know I certainly would not consider Jets WR core "revamped" by those 2 names. I guess it depends on how one would interpret "revamped" maybe? I always took it to mean new or different players that are significantly better (or thought to be much better) than before. In this case I just don't see those 2 making their WR' group much better, if any at all really. Hell wouldn't surprise me if the WR's Jets had last season turned out to be a little better lol Idk, just my 2 cents
  17. I could not take anyone seriously if predicting Jets make playoffs. I would assume it was a sarcastic remark if someone said that lol. I know he's a Jet fan, but being realistic the odds are not good. At all lol
  18. Lol, he can be creative. But meant what he was quoting was obvious. Kinda like if someone said ," I sucked on that hose so hard it took jus 2 minutes to siphon every drop" Obvious response that "most" would think or say is, "that's what she said" lol
  19. Hope someone can step it up and make a difference because if not and Tre can't go they will be in some trouble
  20. Yes in his 2nd year they did. But thankfully Bills have/had the right ppl in place to develop Allen the best way possible, even though he had crap surrounding him. He still made many great throws that would have changed the outcome of some games only to be dropped way too many times. But even though he had to be thrown in quicker than they wanted, this staff is so good that Josh still was developed quite well.
  21. I wouldn't say any team only has very little info about players in lower rounds. Lower round players that are on a teams board I'm sure that FO knows everything about that player that is needed regardless of the lower position. I meant that the test may not play as much a factor for high 1st round pics as it would lower round pics. I wasn't assuming that due to any amount of info a team has on a lower pick. Was implying that imo the high 1st round pics that are like top 10 picks or whatnot, teams picking in that 1-10 part of 1st round pretty much have their mind made up regardless for the most part, in which case that test likely won't come into play much if any at all.
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