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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Yeah I didn't feel it was a promising situation as for developing a rookie QB, even though he was talked up a bit.
  2. Yup agree. Very unappreciative ####### fans that had gotten spoiled and still are spoiled. Very classless.... I wouldn't be a part of it.
  3. Doubt it. Unless an injury occurs he will replace Williams next season imo. Hard for me to see him at G. He will be at RT I believe is the most likely scenario. Will continue to see him rotated in some, but won't take over/start unless DW gets injured (knock on wood)
  4. Yeah, didn't noticed AJ Espensa on the field quite as much as last couple games. Unless I'm over thinking it. Didn't seem like it anyways. But WFT OL did a pretty good job, but their QB did run and scramble from pressure a few times. Anyways, yeah hope to see pressure similar to weeks 2 and 3. But it's like that some games, D won't get good pressure some games and other games they will.
  5. Wonder if those same Pats fans also stated a few years back, "Coach BB and Pats will still be great without Brady". Was a lot of that talk going around then lol
  6. It can be a factor in regards to HF advantage, however due to the fact Steelers lost, KC lost, and only AFC teams that are 3-0 are Denver and Raiders....All that said, the 1st game loss isn't a factor at this point going into week 4.
  7. Wow! I don't care if Bills are up 52-0 with 5 mins or less in the 4th, no way I'd switch away from Bills games. Although of course, if it's other way around and Bills are getting blown out, then yeah I'd change it. It may be a good chance he sits out this game. He said other day it wasn't a big deal, but that's what players say lot of the time. Only Wednesday though so will get a better idea soon.
  8. Pissing on someone? I don't know though, some ppl are into the golden shower thing.
  9. Well I mean even though they didn't get any points, I believe their back up QB JB looked better than Tua. Just seemed like he moved the ball better than Tua. He will be getting time with the 1's now so their Offense might be better imo. I don't know, that's my 2 cents.
  10. Agree. I went with him also, but also went with Allen. Think he breaks out and lights it up this time.
  11. Yeah, I mean an arrest warrant has to be signed by a judge before issued. If there isn't any or enough evidence for trial, they won't sign it until enough evidence is brought forth. That's why they have the other warrant (whatever it is) issued because the evidence for that particular issue is there. However that particular warrant is just a way to get him picked up at some point or other so he can be interrogated and possibly get evidence, or maybe even a confession.
  12. Well I mean that would be a reason that there isn't a murder warrant issued.
  13. 2 blonde girls car breaks down. So have to make a long walk to get to town. While walking a while they see a large field that has an abandoned row boat near the tree line. One says to other..."hey, if we get in that boat we can get to town faster"....Other blonde responds..."You stupid ass b*t*h....If you think I'm gona swim all the way through that field"....
  14. Because they don't have enough evidence for that yet. The warrant that is out now is basically to get him in so they can question him
  15. I mean once in a while a listed questionable player may say "I'm not quite 100%, but close, or 95% an can play". Something along those lines... But I just totally disagree that a player that's under 75% healthy would be playing. They would be listed as "Out"
  16. I'd take that bet. The playing "under 75%" nonsense we can't know. Although I will say, if he's playing that would suggest he's well enough to be out there. You throw out "under 75%". I would assume if a player is under 75% healthy he doesn't play anyway. That's kinda low don't you think? Also just to add....if a player is out there at less than 75% healthy, common sense says that player would be only hurting the team other than helping. At that number I'd expect the back up to be playing.
  17. I can't think of any off top of my head. However, he's missed a grand total 5 games his career. Availability is no concern as of now.
  18. Well that happens to the best of em. Sometimes you get beat on a play. But you stated that wasn't an issue anyways. You stated the issue was his availability. I quoted you with the very few games he has missed in his career that showed it was not an issue. So I don't get it, but anyway
  19. Ah yes....knew right then that was going to be a flag soon as he did it. Was stupid decision and attention seeking type move
  20. He's missed a few games here and there, but it's not like he stays injured all the time. I definitely would not say he is injury prone. He missed 1 game in 2019. Missed 4 last season. Actually not that bad imo and his availability is pretty solid for a LB that gives and takes a lot of hits. As far as the bold is concerned.....all LB's have some passes "tossed over their head". If that is what you consider is "exposing" him, then I'd say that's a pretty bad take.
  21. One of those games that's hard to forget. Still can see and hear Fitz's feminine scream quite clear. Lol, remember seeing some fans in stands crying tears of joy. Even though that season ended up going downhill, that particular game itself was a special one for many that day.
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