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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Yeah clearly the upgrades specifically the rookie who's been beyond killing it and McGovern playing so well. Just what the Oline needed for sure. Hopefully they all stay healthy for the most part
  2. That's pretty much the same thing I said.... That along with finally having a better Oline
  3. I'd assume that is nothing unusual and is much of the same for all teams. All these stadiums with thousands and thousands of fans drinking etc, and halftime is when many go to piss etc. Many don't get out the crowd in time.
  4. There's an important difference now though compared to those times.....therefor (speaking for myself here although I'm sure many will agree) there's a different feeling in the air this time, one that is easy to see and very clear. This time the Bills have a defense that is stronger, also they now have an Oline that has been desperately needed. This continues and keep healthy for the most part, this team can be amazing
  5. Hope they speculate correctly and that turns out to be the case. Either way we will know if it's more than that tomorrow
  6. If he is still DNP tomorrow then you'll know he's likely out
  7. What is it that you're going by that brings you to that conclusion that they all are faster than all Bills secondary players?? Combine numbers or something?
  8. I agree with you guys and is what you'd think. But once in a while even the best things can malfunction. Just saying, never know
  9. That's why it's said there are worm holes, or portals for that reason.
  10. For sure, I mean that goes without saying clearly....No question he (like every player) is going to get hit, it's football for lord sake. However with that said, can't argue that it's been addressed with a very good plan to minimize those hits while making the ones that do happen much less severe
  11. Well, they're pretty decent up front and Wilkins can be disruptive (also eagerness for opportunity to grab Josh's one-eyed-critter).... But as much as the blitz against Josh it can cause issues. Hopefully with Oline now playing better it won't be too bad
  12. Yeah, the D has been bringing it for sure. To me the D this season just has a different feel to it and Oliver has really been playing better than he ever has thus far. But, so far it seems as it was the right call with MCD's decision to move on from Frazier taking over the Defense
  13. Maybe....but at same time it's too early to know much after only week 2.
  14. Guess it's because Wilson is 2-1 vs Bills. So I guess 2 wins is enough that Wilson is the exception for him?
  15. Yeah, I mean at the time he was one of the best QB coming out of college. Think it was his personality and the way he acted with how he handled himself in general that was the issue for most other teams. Depending on the state of the franchise regarding certain teams can make them feel those type of issues are worth the risk
  16. To be fair though I think if he had passed on Manziel it's a good chance that there was some other teams after them with a late round pic that would have got him
  17. What about " a wasted 1st round draft pick"?
  18. Not sure the reason he is still being brought up for at this point, but not that my statement on him means much of anything either... But I will say I've kinda "zero-ed" in on just him the bits and pieces I've been able to see of the Bears on Redzone etc, and don't know how much different things may be a factor, but he hasn't looked good.
  19. Lol, not a journey that is even considered as an option much less be attempted when you're the type that owns and wears only flip flops. Anyways, I wouldn't be surprised if someone really did do that to get to a game before lol Even in my younger days I'm not sure I'd even go through all that for a smoking hot chic
  20. Lol, sorry I just got a giggle as I saw the "trap game" talk already
  21. What about them? They had a few drops and one or two of them had a bad game. Those things tend to happen once in a while. A couple drops in the very 1st game of the season doesn't mean they automatically have poor WRs
  22. I was referring to the specific statement only you posted that said, "fans will get a good measuring stick of Bills team from week 1". There's no way to base anything off any team from week 1.
  23. Yeah, that's what I have thought about since basically the day after that loss and still fresh on their minds now. I'm glad you pointed that out too, it's something that I feel many may not be taking into consideration
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