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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Well speaking for myself.....I wouldn't say it was "something or anything nice" being a fan of a losing team. Especially the length of time it was before a respectable team was fielded lol.
  2. I don't know exactly how many stats goes into this particular ranking, but they very well could be around 4th or 5th. Quite a few big runs by both RB's couple times and only week 5. In any event, running game has improved quite noticeably thus far.
  3. Oh I agree for sure. Although I don't remember exactly how many times Bojo didn't hold correctly, but I do recall seeing a few times it was a bad ball placement hold. However, I also remember Bass (early in the season) missed a couple that were good holds....which was expected with a rookie kicker. All I'm saying is every single miss wasn't all on Bojo. Some were for sure, but not every single one.
  4. Interested to see the stands Monday night to get a little view of all of them.
  5. Well I wouldn't say all due to Bojo. I mean he was a rookie and rookie kickers can start out slow. But yeah the times it was a bad hold certainly didn't help.
  6. Ok, well that's understandable. To your trick play comment, just wanted to point out that when opposing teams see the QB2 come out for holding duties instead of the usual punter, I imagine that would alert them to be ready for a trick play. So not sure it would be very successful. Unless for some reason opposing team wouldn't notice a different holder, but I doubt that would happen often, if at all.
  7. Does every team use the Punter now? I can't think of any team that uses QB2 for that anymore. But don't know for sure, honestly something I haven't really paid much attention to
  8. Even with same snapper/kicker, once in a while bad or low snaps can still happen which obviously makes it more difficult for the holder. But as I mentioned I didn't see the actual play and honestly don't hve much interest to see. I do agree he had trouble at times with it last season though.
  9. I didn't see it, but if was a bad snap you can't really put it all on him. However with that said, I do recall a few times with Bills he didn't laces out and snap was fine. Anyways, I guess it takes some getting used to having to get ball positioned so quickly like that even when it is a good snap. Lol, bad snap you just got to hope for the best
  10. Just wanted to say, @teef....without even the slightest question I give you my sister and welcome it joyfully!
  11. Without going too far back listing names that obviously were bad QBs, I will just do top 5 after Kelly..... Allen (of course) Bledsoe Flutie Taylor (after some thought, went Taylor over Fitz basically due to less TO's) Fitz
  12. Gotta say, M. Stafford is looking really good thus far this season. Shows how much more impact better WR's and overall surrounding cast makes.
  13. Damn that plane full of Bills fans lol. Wonder how many more planes were like that....that's awesome!
  14. Dammit man!! Gona suck EXTRA hardcore waking up at 5 a.m having to wait out this delay.
  15. May as well, Looks like he's not got his head in it. Hate to see it
  16. I do recall how some Bills fans were back then and yeah at times wasn't a pretty sight, but I wouldn't say any worse than some of what we see today. Maybe the long drought might have made some (not all) change their act. As for the bold, imo I think if Bills win a SB most/majority would handle graciously. Still will always have those fans for every team here and there that are a-holes. But with all the frustrating years of losing, I think a lot of Bills fans would react a lot better than you think.
  17. Yeah agree. I mean who knows what happens with RW, in any event, yeah I feel 100% sure Hawks will not be rolling with Geno as the starter
  18. Somebody needs to pull some strings and get something done about it
  19. Lol, maybe the "fallout" (if one calls it that) with RW and Hawks in the off season is why he assumes RW will move on? idk
  20. Agree, me either. I Like and I'm fairly confident with what Klein has shown and think he can fill in nicely if Milano can't go
  21. Well they definitely have a better TE lol. However, if Knox keeps playing the way he has been that will close the gap a little.
  22. Obviously rather have him playing, but with how well Klein has been playing it hopefully wouldn't be too bad of a drop off
  23. Maybe, depending on records of other AFC teams. Even if this scenario did happen and ended up a wild card, that just means they will still be "in it".
  24. Ah ok, yeah you're right. But still though it's a lot more than I would have guessed being in KC.
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