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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Lol, didn't even consider that. Forgot all about it. Kinda weird
  2. Of course it's happened with both players having the same last name. But I don't think it ever has with both players having the same 1st and last name.
  3. Lol, I don't remember it ever happening. If it did it was probably before my fandom started..
  4. If so, will it be the 1st time in NFL history that a QB was sacked with both players having the same name????Ohhh the possibilities....
  5. Idk man...Without Rodgers I'd say that's missing a bit much lol. Although if the Chiefs D plays like they have been, Love has a good chance
  6. Far as I'm aware it's unknown for certain either way.. So I think this guy is just guessing like the rest.
  7. I don't know. I don't recall anything about that, but if so then that would also make one think he likely is..
  8. Lol, I sympathize...I received my dose couple days ago LOL
  9. Yup, and to be honest, I'm surprised he is able to get close as he does on those certain times he gets held really bad. Sometimes he still manages to just get close enough to create some pressure even when getting those "screaming at the t.v for the flag" type holds that go ignored.
  10. Yeah even though it's not been stated publicly either way, I get the feeling he is just due to couple things that were actually pointed out here a while back before season started. If I recall correctly, it was a couple pics with a couple players including Josh all next to each other and the ones that weren't vaccinated were wearing mask and Josh wasn't wearing one. Not that it means anything for sure obviously, but that's why I kinda got the feeling he is when I saw that.
  11. How do you get the offense seems off? They been scoring all over the place. They are one of the top Offenses in the league dude...They struggle against Fins in the 1st half with a banged up Oline. Other than Steelers in week 1, where has the Offense been off??
  12. Wha?? Ya lost me here. But anyways, not sure why you decided to bring that up again since it's all been over and done with.
  13. Well maybe in one of the upcoming games he goes off in a couple or more of them. Then his numbers would be back on track then right? So again, point is it is lot of games to be played.
  14. No that's 100% wrong. I haven't seen any (I'm sure there may be a few) that had a problem at all with him not getting it. It's been made quite clear it's all the stuff he did on twitter with the back n forth nonsense.
  15. You saying if Josh got on social media doing all that like Bease did? Or you mean just being unvaccinated?
  16. He must have gotten just a little piece of it then because I didn't notice it. Although I didn't go back and view it closely either so....but great job by him
  17. Well I guess that's fine if that's how you feel, however I feel it's not even remotely anything to be worried about. His numbers are fine, it's week 9 dude. If him being an unselfish player that wants the love to be spread around is concerning for you, then I'd have to think you may be one of those ppl that tend to get worried often about some things that you have no need to be worried over in the 1st place.
  18. Kinda interested to know how you feel about this and if you want to respond lol
  19. I personally don't see why one would consider this an issue....it's nothing at all to be concerned about. I mean if anyone needs to feel concerned about something then I'd say the Oline is a good place to start. Certainly not Diggs lol, my 2 cent
  20. Yeah have liked Hughes since he got here. But ol Jerry has it rough man. I'm sure some agree and some don't but imo he really doesn't and hasn't for a while now get the same treatment/respect from the officials as any other player. It's just kinda hard to watch sometimes when he's giving it all he's got each play and SO MANY times gets held etc. And not just your regular BS holding, so many times he gets those really bad and obvious holds that one would have to be blind to miss.... Frustrating to see and hate it for him
  21. like I said it's early and there will be games that a Defense will show different looks that Diggs will light it up. It's known he is unselfish and you should feel good about him drawing that attention so the other WR's can take advantage of that. As to your 2nd bold.....obviously they do, all Defensive plans are different for each team. But whatever the case of course those 2 get doubled sometimes.
  22. Yeah I get it, that's why I said it would not be their line of thinking. I'm sure he will play if he's good enough to go obviously. Was just wondering if by chance he is a "true" questionable come Friday/Saturday if it's considered, but yeah I agree with you
  23. I'm sure somebody at some point or other likely has already said this, but I'm gona jus shoot anyway. With the year Diggs has last season and with how good he obviously is, do you not think Defenses are game planning for him whether it be double team or whatever to take him away as much as possible? Add in that Sanders has been taking advantage of that and playing awesome along with Knox killing it too. I mean come on man, it's early still and if you happened to have missed the memo...this Bills WR core are a very unselfish unit as it has been said on multiple occasions. Diggs will get his for sure, I can't get why you believe it's some sort of issue with this lol
  24. Curious to see if they sit him another week to be extra cautious considering it's the Jags...but that's the fan speak in me. Nobody on the team is thinking that, if he is out again this week it won't be because of who the opponent is.
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