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Sherlock Holmes

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Everything posted by Sherlock Holmes

  1. I don't know how I'm gonna manage, I tried drinking myself to sleep already to no avail...feels like I drank a 55 gallon drum of Espresso and snorted a kilo of Coke.
  2. He's doing pushups in his cell in anticipation of opening day, he won't be able to sleep....
  3. Ding ding ding Are you the only other person in the world who recognizes this?!?!? Because damn near everybody else either has their head up their @$$, up their doctor's @$$ or they help perpetrate the bull$#!+... Who the **** is talking about crystals?!?!
  4. C'mon now, essential oils never cured anything ever either.... Nor have vitamins or minerals or supplements....see where I'm going? But they do help temporarily with moods which are regulated by your Endocrine Glands, most of them smell great and are fun to make. So basically we're ****ed
  5. Do you mean all the arm chair SJW's who tell you what a piece of crap you are for anything you say, even if it is unifying, while they constantly discredit anybody who talks about unity with mindless witicisms like "OK Karen" and "but BLM more than everybody being equal" ??? Or are we talking about Dr's who fear monger with the next greatest "pandemic" and push pharmaceuticals which DON'T EVER CURE disease while distracting you from being able to heal yourself from ANY disease for free??? Or are we talking about society in general that has a "if I do it I'm right, if you do it you're wrong" mentality???
  6. Hulk: You're making me angry, You wouldn't like me when I'm angry... Mongo: Hold my beer...
  7. Give him an assistant OL coaching position while on IR... problem solved, you're welcome. Yes Beane, I will be assistant to the GM Mongo angry, Mongo SMASH NFL!!!!!!
  8. Want to see if Brady gets same protection and calls in TB from refs... Want to see Pats lose Want to see every McCaffery play
  9. Remember when some drunk decided to try and joy ride over fans and hit a port-a-potty and finally wiped out some officers? Today that guy would be celebrated as a hero instead of a psychopath🤡 I'll be eating my Josh Jaqs...nobody is catching me!! Also what is the proper mask etiquette here??? I feel like I can get more field time and attention if I don’t wear one
  10. You're right Augie... they can't stop us all!!! Let's Naruto run straight to the goal posts and tear 'em down (after we win of course) Seriously though... WE'VE GOT A GAME TOMORROW!!!!
  11. Please I would never do something stupid
  12. Only sometimes...💩
  13. F no!!! What a ******!!! Gronk on the other hand...
  14. Let's not forget the already forgotten WTC Building # 7 that the University of Alaska Fairbanks released its report on...
  15. Semper Fi Chandler!! -Loving Corpsman
  16. Do you think they'd notice if I parachute in using a bunch of Wegman's bags???
  17. Chris Hogan He can also still retire at halftime
  18. Why is Greggg even talking about a LT?!?! Doesn't he have some bounty he has to set on Allen and Beasley? Some coaching to do to Anderson about how to tear ligaments? Sounds like he is getting greedy and plotting what he is going to say as Interim HC... News flash Greggg, you will be out once they hire some other bum off the street to be HC because you are garbage!
  19. I would've gotten out and pummled his @$$ into oblivion...
  20. I can make your butt hurt for a fraction of the cost To give @Jimmy Spagnola somewhere else to sleep besides an alley dumpster...
  21. Read a couple articles to see what's been going on... Stay safe man!!
  22. Oooooh, the wham bam thank you man type!! The cherry on top is the punch in the face afterwards while you play hard to get
  23. Kittle and Bits over Kelce all day, everyday... Just give Kittle Kelces dance...
  24. Josh Allen is way more dangerous as a two way threat... Makes Mahomes looks like he is Flinstoning it out there
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