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Sherlock Holmes

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Everything posted by Sherlock Holmes

  1. Cooper Kupp>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Robert Woods
  2. I have one precious point between me and a vacation from the board during the actual season... I'm trying to be on my best behavior here and you're riling me up giving me horrible, beautiful ideas
  3. Well then pause it when our players get injured IDGAF
  4. I think he hasn't realized he's been whispering in the wrong positions ears...
  5. Maybe somebody should tell the morons running the crowd noise that when Milano and Edmunds get injured it's not time to cheer like we just won the ****ing Super Bowl
  6. Hello Cooper Kupp
  7. Mmmm Wild Turkey Rare Breed!!!
  8. Wow, Taysom Hill needs to be protected by the league much better as he is a huge asset to the NFL!! If another player jumped on Brees after the play like that it would've been a personal foul!!!
  9. He switched from cell push-ups to cell squats after the 1st quarter... His cell mate was a gangbanger from Buffalo
  10. Until he throws for under 300 again
  11. Only the GOAT, KUECHLY!!!!!!! Also need to trade for Vander Esch ASAP
  12. No, he ate his Josh Jaqs...
  13. No problem, but [stuff doing exactly what he was asked to desist from excised - mod] I post this to apologize about flying off topic and to bring it to the proper forum. Now, back on topic of Feliciano... I love Mongo's heart and drive! We should really do something to be able to have him on the sideline, would it be against the rules to have an IR player on the sideline as an assistant coach?
  14. That's the look I had when my friend and I had Sheriffs walk in on us one night, had a blunt in my mouth while my friend was rolling another and I'm egging him on to make it fatter, all because of a noise complaint
  15. Hopefully an extend and trade situation At least it's not 5 years...
  16. You know, for a conspiracy theorist I sure tell a lot of truths... Like about "how a federal jury found top executives of the opioid manufacturer Insys Therapeutics guilty of racketeering charges related to the opioid epidemic. The criminal charges and guilty verdicts were a rarity, as it held high-ranking corporate officials responsible for bribing doctors to prescribe their fentanyl-based Subsys and intentionally misleading insurers of patients’ needs for the potent and addictive pain reliever, as reported by The New York Times." John Kapoor was sentanced to 5 1/2 years in prison in January, for exactly what I'm talking about but that hasn't happened in decades according to you... Or are you going to claim it's fake news because a majority of people grovel at doctors feet and you know most people would take your word on it just like they do about Pharmaceuticals and diseases? I provided a government run database of Vaccine Injury Compensation because taxpayers foot the bill for when a vaccine causes harm instead of responsibility falling on the industry as it should... Funny you keep mentioning you will be there to take care or me... I had major health problems and following treatment plans from Dr's almost killed me... Interestingly enough the second I shed pharmaceuticals that "I need to live" and stop treatments I got healthy and believe it or not reversed multiple "uncurable" diseases, they vanished... Guess what your buddies did when I talk to them? They **** their pants and went into full denial and lie like always, it's what they do best! It's ok though, I have friends who had the balls to teach me the truth about the medical field even though they are doctors and risked their licensing from the AMA. But please do tell me how wrong I am...
  17. It doesn't work, namely because the industry tasked with our publics' health has failed miserably at teaching, and informing... Instead you walk in get a list of pills that most people have no idea what they are even taking what for, they don't know what diseases are, they definitely don't know that it isn't mandatory for them to be on medications for life and you pass it off as obligation to Pharmacists to explain what you should be explaining.... Oh wait, that's right 99% of doctors don't even know what Chemistry or Physics is, instead they let another huge industry buy them off in exchange for shiny cars, watches, fancy lunches from Pharmaceutical reps... It simply is not true that every American knows what healthy behavior is, because they do not understand cause and effect which doctors should be teaching them about the first second they step in the door claiming to have symptoms. It's just odd that almost every Dr I have been around doesn't have the balls to tell the truth. One thing you are right about is a century of outreach and medicine and the population isn't more healthy...actually the opposite, weird isn't it? I was mocking the 100% safe and effective narrative behind vaccines, the government and millions of people say otherwise, I'm sure you're familiar with the government run database... I wish to die of the most chronic of diseases and wish the same fate on everybody, OLD AGE with no pharmaceuticals!
  18. Probably because you guys removed all the branches in a "necessary" surgery
  19. That's because most are lazy and looking for an easy way out for everything they do in life, and you guys gobble it right up! Who cares if you die early from beating your organs down with chemicals right? It's easier!!! You are right about them waiting until something is bad enough, but if after you gave them a temporary fix, how about a lesson to teach them why they got that way in the first place and how to reverse it?? I mean it's not about seeing who can have the longest list of medication at time of death or at least it shouldn't be... Funny how you guys jump straight into an attack against Naturopathy as if all they offer is some inferior form of treatments, must just be in your DNA as I'm not talking about Medicine from the "Natural" side of it, oh no, I'm talking about it from experience from your side... But I guess then that just means it's time to try and discredit me right?
  20. https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation/index.html You know, for the 100% safe and effective shots that never hurt nobody ever... But remember if you don't get your Corona Vaccine you are unpatriotic and selfish and should be lynch mobbed
  21. I have never been against ALL Allopathy, in fact Emergency Medicine was my forte... This is what we really need to focus on if we are going to subsidize the medical field. We need to teach more about life saving techniques and stabilization even if it includes TEMPORARY medications that are absolutely necessary(Very rare) or NECESSARY surgeries (not ones needlessly removing people's Endocrine Glands.) We need to get away from Treatment based medicine, maybe if more people knew how to take their health into their own hands more and more would step up and do something about it... Also would still love to hear a list of diseases you or even other Dr's you know have cured!! But just like all your patients, I know I'll be waiting FOREVER... He's just gonna stick a needle in your **** Let's go the natural route on this one, Massage Therapy by yours truly
  22. We have a great hero on our hands here.... Dr. WEO, may we be privy to what diseases you have cured?
  23. Who do you think taught Brady natural HGH and TRT methods?!?! I'll never forgive myself... but at least he is in TB now
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