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Sherlock Holmes

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Everything posted by Sherlock Holmes

  1. I know but how else was I ever going to get to utilize that witty saying
  2. Oooh, you said bitching...
  3. Seems like you need a big bowl of Kroft Macaroni and Crow
  4. Josh Allen to John Elway: Hold my beer... too slow!
  5. I wish that were the Super Bowl, not sure how much more my heart can take
  6. I just didn't see the Aaron Rogers comparisons in Rosen and did see the Rapelisberger comparisons in Allen... I figured if he turned out to be a more mobile Big Ben we'd be in for the best QB ever, I think I was right
  7. Speak for yourself... Don't include me in this crow eating, I'm the one serving nice dishes of crow since I was one of the only ones who wanted Allen over the rest of the QBs even at #1
  8. Happy Birthday!!! I got a rock with your name on it...
  9. Is this a new offshoot of ICP?!
  10. I'll take Pat "Baby Gronk" Freiremuth pleaseeee
  11. Maybe @Jimmy Spagnola rubbed off on me and I realized dumpster life really is the good life
  12. Yes, climbed right into a dumpster in Allegany State Park at the campgrounds with cabins. Proceeded to pig out and roll around in the trash and throw things out of the dumpster, looked as happy as a pig in ****, it was glorious!
  13. Give our guys earplugs and when on D blow out the opposing teams eardrums, coaches and all...
  14. I know there are those that definitely want to push for this... and it certainly seems headed that way but we cannot let it become reality... Just curious, for those that are proponents of this kind of madness, how do you enforce it? How do say retail stores identify fairly who has and doesn't have a vaccine and then keep those who don't from entering their stores without being accused of profiling? How do big venues like our stadium? Do we really need Doctors notes every time we go into anywhere?!?! What a nightmare that becomes, also who is to say somebody MUST visit an Allopathic doctor???!! See where this is going? I can see where ah, simple solution for everybody, just have a chip comes up real quick...
  15. Robert Kraft's favorite place to fill up...
  16. It's still worth a small fortune!! Let's roll @teef... Real men would build it from IPAs!!
  17. A run of losing to end up on bottom of the division and NFL yet again.. also running to find a new coach, hopefully not for a long time though
  18. Don't hold your breath... the next time Allopathy comes up with a CURE for something will be the first! They love raking in billions of dollars on suppressing the expectorating of mucus with garbage chemicals stewed in artificial sugar and dyes to want to change that. Maybe the cure lies in not suppressing the expectorating of said mucus Even so you better believe the studying isn't to find a CURE... it's to find how to profit the most off of it. So technically a global conspiracy in criminal terms, perpetrated by the giants of industry...
  19. Which is insane... complete violation of people's rights, I'm sure there's a lot of people out there who would love to see this happen which is pathetic. If you want your vaccine take it and then proceed to f off.... don't push your health choices on others and be some mouthpiece for an industry most people know nothing about
  20. Spelling error but you get the point... Those dressers are actually full of masks...
  21. I won't get the vaccination, but it's not Trump that I distrust, it's the industry feeding him the info... Also you are not a fool, it is your choice to do what you want when it comes to your health, in fact be my guest, have all my doses B-Man, you'll need more than one if you pay attention and take what the Pharm companies/Dr's say as gospel...
  22. One mans used condom is anothers treasure!! Brings new meaning to reduce, reuse, recycle Edited just now by Sherlock Holmes
  23. Blown tip leads to Kraft getting off early! Our hands are tied says District Attorney!
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