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Sherlock Holmes

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Everything posted by Sherlock Holmes

  1. Unless they are Allen's Last I checked it is a season to season award... Not based on what they have done previously
  2. Did you think people saying Hillary had legitimate health concerns when she was running for president were conspiracy theorists or not???
  3. @Tiberius Still waiting on that answer to that question you have been dodging
  4. The 💩 emoji???
  5. Buffalo Trace Bourbon
  6. You sure have a purdy mouth right now That was me Kerrigan as well then
  7. I only wish he would've given us the parting gift of Watt Wherefore art thou Romeo Also John McClain looks like his twin brother from another mother
  8. Send us JJ Watt please and we'll think about letting you have him after we win our 10 consecutive Super Bowls
  9. Sure for Thielen and Harrison Smith and Rudolph
  10. Yes, the Hillary thing that has nothing to do with Corona like you keep babbling about... Did you think people saying Hillary had legitimate health concerns were conspiracy theorists or not??? My answer to your question is this: I think he will be fine, his diet scares me as does his apparently weak adrenal glands when it comes to complications.What I truly fear is that he doesn't have the best unbiased health care that truly has his welfare in mind as there are too many lunatics that would love to see him out of office by any means. Even if he has a long term recovery, it shouldn't affect his ability to lead...if anything now for all the people saying he is misinformed on it, he has the personal experience to back his decisions.
  11. How many times can you deflect the same direct question? You're worse than Biden and Hillary put together... How do you know I'm a "Trump nut", I'm just asking an unbiased question but you cannot comprehend that for some reason. What are we up to 5x's of deflection of the simplest question? Yes, as he should be when he sees fit. He is free to make his own health choices
  12. Bro, the question is simple...it has nothing to do with Hillary and Corona! How bad of reading comprehension do you have? Did you think people saying Hillary had legitimate health concerns were conspiracy theorists or not??? Corona wasn't invented yet
  13. It does if people call out Hillary health whistle-blowers as conspiracy nuts when there was clear evidence she had a condition and then proceed to blast Trump and say he is the only person "faking" this virus... and expect everybody to take your word for it when he hasn't displayed anything you are claiming. But please, do proceed to not answer my question and continue to try and discredit perfectly legitmate questions as stupid since the answer wouldn't fit your narrative... You know how the saying goes, "there's no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid answers..."
  14. Quick, I think Trump stubbed his toe...put him down or at least remove him from office because we have no other ways of getting him out now!!
  15. WTF are you pulling out of your ass???! Where did I say any of what you just said? Actually, I can unbiasly ask that question unlike some other people... It had nothing to do with Corona and everything to do with a clear neurological condition which was much worse. Literally curious if OP believed Hillary health whistle-blowers were conspiracy nuts or if they had legitimate concerns... Actually I pose the same question to you Tib, or can you not answer me without adhominum attacks?
  16. Let me guess, those saying Hillary wasn't fit healthwise to take office were conspiracy nuts though right?
  17. Sherlock Holmes at your service sir... you can sit back and be my Watson
  18. Well if you ran and tattled on me to somebody because of something I said then you would come to know the feeling...
  19. People that report posts are little B word tattletails, be a man and stop being so offended by everything
  20. I like Klein as a backup but it's clear...any tackle he made in Carolina was Kuechly pushing him into the ball carrier en route to the tackle
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