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Sherlock Holmes

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Everything posted by Sherlock Holmes

  1. Why in the ***** would WE forfeit?!?!?! If anybody is giving up a win it is going to be the Titans
  2. Filbert is a Halzenut, mmmm Cacao is not a nut, it is a fruit and you roast the seeds to make chocolate. Cashew is also not a nut but the seed of the Cashew fruit (which makes a nice juice BTW) and that seed is poisonous unless processed so you NEVER eat raw Cashew off the fruit! Sorry to be that guy but we grow both of these fruits as well as most of these nuts so love to give a little information on them. Since we are naming tons of not true nuts I will still add them in: My list: Coconut Halzenut Macadamia Walnut Almond Pecan Brazil Nut Pistachio Not real nuts but delicious: Peanut Cashew Pine Nut
  3. Let's ask Tom Brady how many Super Bowls in a row Josh Allen is about to win... Thanks Tom!!💩
  4. Who's got big balls?? Josh got big balls!!
  5. His dingus got in the way
  6. Also, we should get their draft picks for life since it is technically a life or death situation, correct?
  7. Bill Belichick had halftime results on Gilmore...sent him Mahomies way postgame
  8. I've been there and he is definitely a receiver
  9. I have McCaffrey, Diggs, Henry, Moss so I feel you. Still 3-1!
  10. Should also have to give Josh Allen 4 TDs and 400 Yards passing...
  11. We also deserve their 1st round pick!
  12. Gilmore was already hugging on Kermit!!
  13. Yes it would, Kuechly is sliding in come playoffs, Leighton Vander Esch would round us out once recovered if Milano is injured come that time.
  14. You have reading comprehension problems... I never said I was trolling, but after reading everybody getting fed up with your made up bull#### I'm going to guess you are trolling with your adhominum attacks on everybody. Go back to LEFTfield
  15. My attention is elsewhere right now so yeah I didn't bother rereading your post... Regardless I don't find the need to attack other people based on their beliefs with name-calling and such, I'm not trolling just because I like Trump, get a life! I still don't understand what your problem with me is as I cracked a quick quip about Nixon and said I liked Trump... In fact Trump, JFK and Eisenhower are my top 3 "new era" presidents because of the cahones they have to tell people the truth about certain nefarious people trying to do nefarious actions behind the scenes.
  16. Most important player on the ice followed by your top offensive player... Not if you took me number 1 Sabres...
  17. Apparently you do? You're the one posting about Bush Jr, Obama and Clintons as the best presidents LMAO. The only joke I made was about Nixon. Forgot to add in Eisenhower as well.
  18. What about Nixon?
  19. I think he means he wishes he could've seen them 4 years younger...
  20. Donald Trump Abraham Lincoln JFK Ronald Reagan Richard Nixon(just had to throw out an honorable mention to Tricky Dicky) Teddy George Washington Grover Cleveland
  21. If they trade Eichel what is the point of even putting a team on the ice??? Why not trade Josh Allen while we are at it? Also why aren't goalies the top picks? They are like the franchise QB in importance to a team...
  22. And the nether region... National Tight End day shirt from Brett Farve at a Carolina game?!?!? Looks like McCaffrey is garnishing more attention for the MVB award...
  23. You could argue that, but then I would argue Allen is MVP
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