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Sherlock Holmes

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Everything posted by Sherlock Holmes

  1. Ok, maybe now I'll get the vaccine....as long as they still throw in that Applebee's $10 gift card
  2. I do volunteer my time and hands and any other units I need to
  3. If I'm Bosa's physical therapist I'm sending Moss a gift... extra work on those thighs and groin area
  4. It's the reverse icing of the kicker...defrosting your kicker! You're welcome💩
  5. I heard Rally Cat can be seen running around with his when he takes his morning dump on the Dallas Star...
  6. If Knox throws a TD we know who it is going to... Josh Allen! 2nd would be Beasley!
  7. Yes, we should trade for TJ Watt next year
  8. Allen throws 10 40+ yard bombs and he is dinking and dunking... Brady throws one 10 yard pass and he's throwing bombs all over the field
  9. Give me a whole ticket roll worth of mustache ride tickets please...
  10. Is it a foot or another member of Tom Brady's body?
  11. And Klein definitely knows greatness when he sees it... he did play with the GOAT after all!
  12. Oh man they both must be hurting...let me massage it out
  13. Try Bosa and Allen at the same time?!?!?! Yes please
  14. I'll take Bosa and Allen at the same time for $1000 You cannot bulldoze the best DE besides Watt...Doesn't happen
  15. Is this the first Hear me out thread post that didn't go off the rails?
  16. Yes, best DE in the game along with his Brother and JJ
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