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Sherlock Holmes

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Everything posted by Sherlock Holmes

  1. Well now somebody with a brain here! I don't have loyalty to a party, I vote when I hear truth coming from somebody and I don't vote for those whom I believe only seek to deceive. I agree there are good people and ***** people in every party, and in every walk of life. Heck, I agree with everything you said! No, they do not... Speak for yourself... Man you guys get really annoying with acting like you know everybody's opinion when you know nothing, nor could you.
  2. I do understand, and it is about chaos and destruction... not about racism or police...it's a blank crime check for most of these people and the honest people don't realize what they are supporting. There are plenty of black people who decry BLM...hell look at Poyer's wife, you think Poyer loves BLM? LMAO! A Republican wouldn't be in BLM if they realized what it stood for. They would have a peaceful gathering talking about real change with people like Rosa Parks and MLK Jr., real heroes of the cause!
  3. He is not a Trumper, he is a BLM, Antifa, Democrat
  4. It makes sense that people like you could see video and photographic evidence as well as confessions of voter fraud and still deny it happened... "If I say it didn't happen and that it is lies, maybe it will go away!" Pull your head out of your ass, can't admit anything even if it's smacking you in the face repeatedly
  5. How is it lies ? The guy has video admitting it! There is photographic evidence...
  6. For all you claiming it was only Trump Supporters storming the capitol and that Antifa wasn't there... https://www.google.com/amp/s/townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2021/01/07/utah-man-with-a-history-of-organizing-blm-protests-was-inside-the-capitol-n2582766%3famp=true
  7. I was banned from chatbox... and I am already over there, great place!
  8. No I don't think you are getting it... I am being called a traitor who is guilty of sedition and treason when I served our country by a bunch of morons who are playing the guilty by association card. I didn't commit a crime, so these imbeciles can knock off the self-righteous bull####.
  9. I'm not brainwashed... I haven't even voted Republican before Trump for ***** sake... There are only a handful of Republican presidents I would have voted for before my time.
  10. I do, and what other people do is beyond my control...I don't think you would appreciate being lumped in as a criminal for an opinion you hold because somebody that supports the same person you do does something illegal. Would you appreciate me calling you a criminal if you support Biden because Hunter is a drug addict?
  11. What makes you say that? What ***** truth... if you think Biden is the truth then good for you, it doesn't make it reality.
  12. Probably not... just like there is no give in the Biden cult either.
  13. Ok TBBills my new cult leader.... I am brainwashed and until I can realize this all my thoughts are clouded by lies and corruption. See how fast I succumbed to your brainwashing? It only took you robotically saying the same exact reply twice...great job!
  14. I'm not of the mind that Trump is never incorrect, nobody is always right...
  15. Nah, started by people who feel the need to suppress a difference of opinions...
  16. WTF are you babbling about? What is a lie is the fact that you are saying that I ever mentioned that it was good for somebody to incite a riot and storm the capital
  17. He needs to start calling audibles with "Baby Yoda"
  18. Sounds like you get the treatment we get here so boohoo
  19. Maybe your boy in the Lodge hat will make it into cuffs!
  20. When did I say inciting a riot was the right thing to do? Like @aristocrat said, you're just putting words in our mouths based on the narrative you want to paint. No, not at all, you speak against Dems, you end up banned. You support Republicans, you end up banned. It's a disturbing trend.
  21. I will!!! Hopefully in Buffalo
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