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Sherlock Holmes

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Everything posted by Sherlock Holmes

  1. Don't you dare you puke at JJ Watt's name @Rico lol
  2. Was Tyreek just clowning or was he really shoving a coach lol
  3. If Mahomes comes back in that's ***** cheating!!
  4. LOL, I need to go take a nice cold shower now thanks Virgil!
  5. Take a taste and tell me
  6. I'd love to be the fluff in the middle of that sandwich
  7. I only see the last 4 of your credit card... Gonna need to see the rest of the numbers to verify
  8. C'mon Baker, bake us a win as fast as you can!
  9. I've never been a bigger Brown's fan!
  10. Yes yessssss. Place a mole in the Panthers organization so we can get McCaffrey for pennies then have him get fired and come back! Brilliant Beane!!!
  11. Get his ass in here the second FA starts!! I agree we shoukd be trading for Watt
  12. I'm hoping for the Browns in AFC Champ game then either Wollford or Brady in SB
  13. What about how they tried to call a ball that didnt even make it to a recievers hands a catch in our game? That's pretty bad...
  14. Sounds good to me!!! Great job!
  15. Please list all 100k lies and 100k other things... we'll be waiting
  16. I could care less who is at fault... it shouldn't have happened. I am not going to sit here and apologize for fellow Trump supporters actions the way these Antifa lovers do... I'm not going to sit here and make excuses the way Dems and Antifa lovers do....
  17. Who cares...the point is if there is one Antifa member participating these dumb dumbs cannot say there were no Antifa members participating... 1+1 does not =0 like they would lead you to believe.
  18. Then why are they all up on his *****? True I have seen a lot of people like you said but damn, there really are a lot championing Sloppy Joe like he is the savior of humanity just because they hate Trump that badly. Then they attack you if you like Trump, it's insane.
  19. I'm not saying everybody there was Antifa, but a good number were, just like a good number were real Trump supporters... Antifa was already in town, you really think they'd pass up the opportunity to raid a government building?! Probably the latter part as you can see lol
  20. Man, it's like an impaired robot ***** a brick wall and you have to try and have a conversation with that offspring We all need unity and to stop acting like we are supremely correct and the other side is supremely wrong... If you can't do that then you need a good long look at yourself.
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