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Sherlock Holmes

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Everything posted by Sherlock Holmes

  1. @Jay_Fixit He was probably aiming for the 3rd pocket, right?
  2. What about inside Ertzs' shorts?! Also that does bring up a great point...does the carpet match the drapes?
  3. And just like that, Kelvin Benjamin's agent has been blowing up Beane's phone...
  4. He refused an in office meeting, he wanted to be taken out for lunch.
  5. Man Benjamin really has lost a step... look at that closing speed by Gettleman!
  6. Because I'm in a downright jolly ***** mood I mean after all the boys are back in town, how can we not all be ecstatic?! It also helps that nobody has pissed in my cereal yet today. I for one love hearing every word that comes out of Beasley's mouth... But of course I would never want to silence somebodies freedom of speech. It's not like his actions are really driving a wedge in the team, everybody has shown him support. The media will find a different wedge to try and drive regardless so piss on 'em.
  7. Josh needs Stefon to give him a pair of those nice tight shorties.... I'm feeling a lot better now that the Beasley hatebug is gone
  8. So do you guys love Beasley again yet since everybody else dropped their pitchforks?
  9. Will Beasley be made available after practice? I'll give Beasley an imminent release! How? It is showing he is respecting their choices and trusting them to make the right decisions for themselves! McD seems like a great leader so far, would hate to see him blow it.
  10. I'm all in Allen! I would have Josh's babies. How dare you, He has the voice of an angel
  11. The secret is when you order you spend 10 minutes on the phone saying extra extra extra extra extra... cripsy. They may spit on your food but damn it, you'll have crispy wings! Alright who voted La Nova? We need to schedule a pillow fight.
  12. As long as Beasley doesn't go then sure... much rather have Cooper Kupp though.
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